Study Archives » LUCID DREAM RESEARCH This is a network for lucid dreamers and scientists to share research information and lucid dream experiences, connect for future studies, and expand the knowledge of the lucid dream phenomenon. Sun, 08 Jan 2023 21:59:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 194839300 Lucid Dreaming In NREM Sleep Tue, 21 Dec 2021 17:27:24 +0000 Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – modified by addition of pictures – Stumbrys, T., & Erlacher, D. (2012). Lucid dreaming during NREM sleep: Two case reports. International Journal of Dream Research, 5(2), 151–155.   “Lucid Dreaming During NREM Sleep: Two Case Reports Tadas Stumbrys1[...]

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Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – modified by addition of pictures – Stumbrys, T., & Erlacher, D. (2012). Lucid dreaming during NREM sleep: Two case reports. International Journal of Dream Research5(2), 151–155.  

“Lucid Dreaming During NREM Sleep: Two Case Reports

Tadas Stumbrys1 & Daniel Erlacher2

1 Heidelberg University, Germany 2 University of Bern, Switzerland

REM dream reports are typically longer, more bizarre, more perceptually vivid, more emotionally charged and more motorically animated,

whereas NREM dream reports contain more thought-like mentation and representation of current concerns

Lucid Dreaming

…Yet one lucid dream induction study (Dane, 1984), which used post-hypnotic suggestion as a means to induce lucidity, found an unusually high number of NREM lucid dreams….

REM sleep and NREM sleep seem to have different brain activation patterns (Hobson et al., 2000). During NREM sleep the brain is generally less active than during both REM sleep and wakefulness, while the overall activation during REM sleep is similar to wakefulness…

Cortical areas, which are selectively deactivated during REM sleep and the activation of which is associated with lucid dreaming, such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, precuneus, cuneus…are also deactivated during NREM sleep.

Lucid Dreaming

…Purcell and her colleagues (1986), who found that overall self-reflectiveness in NREM dreams is lower than self-reflectiveness in REM dreams…

Lucid Dreaming

…Findings from the earlier studies…suggest that of all NREM sleep stages lucid dreaming can most often occur during N1, however such lucid dreams usually are quite short…In fact, dreams collected from N1 and REM sleep seem to be strikingly similar…as well as brain EEG activity during both these stages…

Wake-Initiated Lucid Dreaming (WILD), where the dreamer aims to enter the dream directly from wakefulness by retaining consciousness while falling asleep …and some of these techniques are based on concentration on hypnagogic imagery occurring during N1 sleep

N2. Lucidity during N2 seems also to be possible… yet much less frequent and usually preceded by some arousal (which might help to initiate lucidity). Lucid dreams are also brief.

N3. Up to our knowledge, no lucid dream reports so far had been obtained from N3 (deep sleep) stage. ..

Lucid Dreaming

…One other interesting observation is that all possible instances of NREM lucidity has been observed so far were only from female participants… Although it is premature to assert any gender differences in relation to NREM dream lucidity, this is something that could be taken into account in future studies.

Future studies should also clarify whether brain regions involved in attaining lucidity in REM sleep, namely prefrontal, occipito-temporal cortices, precuneus, cuneus, parietal lobules…are also the ones involved in attaining lucidity in NREM sleep.

NREM dream reports are usually less vivid with lesser involvement and are more thought-like (Hobson et al., 2000). This parallels a distinction made in Tibetan sleep and dream yoga

Lucid Dreaming

…While dream yoga aims to develop awareness in dreams, the aim of sleep yoga, which is considered to be more difficult to master, is to develop awareness in dreamless sleep, where no dream imagery is present. Therefore it might be possible to speculate that a parallel could be made between dream yoga and attaining dream lucidity in REM sleep, and sleep yoga and attaining dream lucidity…in NREM sleep…

How does this relate to WILD?

What are the neurological differences between WILD and DILD?

How do neurological and sleep phase differences make WILD and DILD differ from each other in regards to consistency, lengths, and overall experience?

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Personality Traits Of Lucid Dreamers Wed, 06 Oct 2021 16:50:52 +0000 Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – modified by addition of pictures – Shafiei, B. (2019). Big five personality traits and dream recall frequency in spontaneous vs. self-trained lucid dreamers, 12(2), 8–13 –  “Big Five Personality Traits And Dream Recall Frequency In[...]

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Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – modified by addition of pictures – Shafiei, B. (2019). Big five personality traits and dream recall frequency in spontaneous vs. self-trained lucid dreamers, 12(2), 8–13 – 

“Big Five Personality Traits And Dream Recall Frequency In Spontaneous Vs. Self-Trained Lucid Dreamers”

Bita Shafiei – Department of Psychology, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran – IJoDR

“Acknowledgements – The author would like to thank Michael Schredl for his help with preparing the manuscript.”


“…lucid dream frequency is moderately associated with lucid dream controlling

…After the age of 25, a spontaneous onset of lucid dreaming appears to be very infrequent

Trained lucid dreamers had shorter lucid dreams but were more likely to take an active role in the development of the lucid dream plot and more likely to try some waking intentions in their lucid dreams, in comparison with spontaneous lucid dreamers (Stumbrys et al., 2014)…

…Internal locus of control…and need for cognition…were found to be correlated with lucid dreaming

…However, Wolpin, Marston, Randolph, and Clothier (1992) had not succeeded in discovering the relationship between internal locus of control and lucid dreaming frequency

…Schredl and Erlacher (2004) found small but significant correlation between fantasy and ideas, two facets of openness to experience, and lucid dream frequency. Moreover, in Schredl and Noveski’s (2017) research performed on students, regardless of the negative association between lucid dream frequency and agreeableness, they also pointed out a negative correlation between lucid dream frequency and neuroticism which was considered as a new outcome…

…there was a significant relationship between lucid dreaming and the openness to experience factor. Furthermore, lucid dreaming seemed to be related to the Big Five conscientiousness factor. Additionally, an online survey conducted by Hess, Schredl, & Goritz, (2016) proposed that openness to experience was positively correlated with lucid dreaming frequency, whereas the correlation was negative for agreeableness

hypnotic suggestibility…thin boundaries…creativity…and absorption…were found to be related to lucid dreaming frequency

…In addition, many researches indicated a significant relationship between lucid dream frequency and dream recall

…As it seems the more people recall their dreams the more chance they have to recall their lucid dreams or in another direction, the more people are familiar with their dreams (i.e. able to better recall them), the more they are likely to recognize them while dreaming

openness to experience and extra version were found to be positively correlated with lucid dreaming frequency, while the correlations were negative for agreeableness and neuroticism

…Some factors such as gender, extraversion, openness to experiences, agreeableness, and dream recall frequency correlate with lucid dreaming frequency among self-trained lucid dreamers. However, only dream recall frequency is in association with lucid dreaming frequency in spontaneous lucid dreamers

…In addition, the difference between spontaneous and self-trained lucid dreamers regard to lucid dreaming frequency is a considerable finding. Analysis indicated that self-trained lucid dreamers experience lucid dreams more frequently in comparison with spontaneous ones. Lastly, by considering the percentages, self-trained lucid dreamers have the ability of controlling their lucid dreams and take an active role more than the spontaneous group

…Methodologically, the sample was elicited via a lucid dreaming website, which makes the result biased due to the more interested participants in taking part in this study

…Based on our finding, there was no gender difference among spontaneous lucid dreamers. However, men seemed more interested in eliciting lucid dreams through training

…As a result, people who were characterized as extraverted are more likely to experience lucid dreaming. Extraversion is defined as being assertive, active, positive, energetic, and talkativeExtraverted lucid dreamers, by considering those definitions, are willing to talk about their experiences with others which in this case talking about dreams brings about more dream recall…and consequently more lucid dreams

…Earlier studies demonstrated a positive correlation between openness to experience and lucid dreaming frequency

…People who score high in this dimension are recognized as creative, imaginary, curious and unconventional. Those with low level are conventional and like the feeling of familiarity…

Negative correlation between agreeableness and lucid dreaming frequency was another finding…

People with low level of agreeableness are identified as antagonistic, cold and disagreeable (Robbins et al, 2013). Lucid dreamers are more likely to be focused on fulfilling their own needs, and less likely to reflect on the needs of others; they might thus be less agreeable in waking life (Hess et al, 2016)…

…As percentages showed self-trained lucid dreamers appeared to be more active in their lucid dreams

trained lucid dreamers were more likely to take an active role rather than a passive role in the development of the dream plot

…In summary, self-trained lucid dreamers tend to experience lucid dreams more frequent than spontaneous lucid dreamers. Also, openness to experience and agreeableness were negatively correlated with lucid dreaming frequency whereas the correlations were positive between extraversion and dream recall frequency among self-trained lucid dreamers. However, dream recall frequency was the only predictor for lucid dreaming frequency among spontaneous lucid dreamers. Gender had an impact on lucid dreaming frequency only in the group of self-trained lucid dreamers…

…At last, it was demonstrated that self-trained lucid dreamers were more likely to take an active role in their lucid dream

Future studies should explore more about the possible differences between self-trained and spontaneous lucid dreamers. It would be also interesting to know what methods were utilized for inducing lucid dreams by self-trained lucid dreamers. Due to the reason that nightmare frequency is correlated with lucid dreaming frequency (Glicksohn, 1989; Hess et al, 2016; Schredl & Erlacher, 2004; Spadafora & Hunt, 1990; Stepansky et al., 1998) and the difference is still not investigated between the two groups of spontaneous and self-trained lucid dreamers, it can be considered as a good idea to fill this gap.” – Bita Shafiei –

Related Topic(s):

Lucid Dreaming And Locus Of Control

About Lucid Dreaming And Its Relation To Mental Health, Personality, Self-Confidence, Behavior Control…

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A Study Examining The Relation Between Type 2 Thinking (Calculating, Conscious Thoughts) And Lucid Dreaming Sat, 20 Mar 2021 17:32:10 +0000 An interesting study on the relation between “Type 2″ thinking and lucid dreaming… Hopefully, more studies relating to this field will follow… LDF – Lucid Dream Frequency CRT – Cognitive Reflections Test DLPFC – Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Locus Of Control – “…the degree to which people believe that they have[...]

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An interesting study on the relation between “Type 2″ thinking and lucid dreaming… Hopefully, more studies relating to this field will follow…

LDF – Lucid Dream Frequency
CRT – Cognitive Reflections Test
DLPFC – Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
Locus Of Control – “…the degree to which people believe that they have control over the outcome of events in their lives, as opposed to external forces beyond their control.” – Wikipedia

Type 1 – thinking is fast, intuitive, unconscious thought. Most everyday activities (like driving, talking, cleaning, etc.) make heavy use of the type 1 system…
The type 2 system is slow, calculating, conscious thought. When you’re doing a difficult math problem or thinking carefully about a philosophical problem, you’re engaging the type 2 system. – Hacker News – quanticle on June 12, 2012 –

The below excerpts are from a research paper initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – modified by addition of picture(s) – Rizea, A. E., & Malinowski, J. E. (2017). An investigation of a dual-processing hypothesis of lucid dreaming. International Journal of Dream Research10(1), 15–22. 

 “An Investigation Of A Dual-Processing Hypothesis Of Lucid Dreaming

Andreea E. Rizea, University of Bedfordshire, Department of Psychology, United Kingdom
Josie E. Malinowski, University of East London, School of Psychology, United Kingdom

…Neuroimaging research has isolated the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) as a brain structure associated with lucid dreaming, indicating that higher-order executive functions are involved in the onset of lucid dreaming. The DLPFC has also been implicated in the onset of type 2 thinking…

 …The present study investigated this potential link, hypothesising that lucid dreaming frequency would be related to type 2 thinking…

The type 2 processing mechanism is believed to be uniquely human as it allows sophisticated reasoning capacities different from those seen in animals…Furthermore, it is thought to require decontextualized processing which tends to reject knowledge or belief-based biases. When confronted with a problem, some people may come up with quick and plausible judgement, while others may discard the immediate response and engage in further reflection… One proposed explanation suggests that people tend to neglect information in their thinking, mostly because the type 1 processing mechanism is used by default due to its low computational expenseThis strong bias to default to the least expensive computational mechanism results in humans being less than rational…The fMRI studies available provide support for the qualitative distinction between belief- and reason-based response, with activation in different regions of the brain for the two instances…In addition…found neuroimaging evidence of type 2 processing system overwriting the type 1 processing system that was coming from the emotion centres, thus concluding that the main area responsible for overwriting an emotional response is the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex….The sudden insight that one experiences at the beginning of a lucid dream could be attributed to the activation of the rational type 2 processing system that overwrites the dominant emotional type 1 system. The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which is normally deactivated during REM sleep…shows activation during lucid dreaming… The same area is thought to be involved mainly in linking the information stored in our short-term memory to the organisation of forthcoming actions… Thus, this particular area of the brain that activates during lucid dreams loads heavily on working memory while supporting theoretical thinking which is necessary for the planning of future events. These attributes have been found as defining features of the type 2 processing system. Moreover, the evolution of this rational second system can be seen as a precursor and requirement for the manifestation of lucid dreams because they require conscious rationality. There seem to be a connection between the workings of the second system and lucid dreaming mediated by the activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Thus, it is worth investigating the dual-processing theory of reasoning as a possible explanation for the emergence of lucid dreams…

…A lateral/dorsolateral prefrontal cortex modulation caused by syllogism content was noticed in a study conducted by Brunetti et al (2014) when looking at the influence of emotions on reasoning abilities. This is the area that is deactivated during REM sleep, but active during lucid dreaming; thus providing more evidence of the connection between dual-processing theory and lucid dreaming, more precisely the activation of type 2 processing system that corresponds to the sudden realisation that one is dreaming. As far as causality is concerned, it makes sense to assume that the activation of type 2 processing system coincides with the onset of a lucid dream…

…Thus the first study supported previous research in finding a relationship between lucid dream frequency and dream recall frequency, and lucid dream frequency and internal locus of control. However, it did not support previous findings pertaining to openness to experience, nor video game play. Further, it did not find evidence for a relationship between lucid dream frequency and scores on the Cognitive Reflections Test, thereby not supporting a dual process hypothesis of lucid dreaming

…Overall, the findings of the present paper indicate that there are relationships between prospective and retrospective measures of lucid dream frequency (LDF) and openness to experience, locus of control, and dream recall frequency. However, the dual processing hypothesis of lucid dreaming was not supported: no relationship between LDF and Cognitive Reflective Test scores, nor with scores on a syllogisms test, was found, neither with retrospective nor prospective estimates of LDF. In addition there was no relationship found between LDF and video game play…

Further research could implement other measures of reflective reasoning abilities or focus on measuring reflective awareness of the environment and of oneself. On the other hand, this was not the first study to fail to find a relationship between lucid dreaming and a task known to require dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation…

… It is likely that lucid dream onset is more complicated than a simple reactivation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex…it may be that different neural substrates are implicated in different kinds of lucid dreaming, since lucid dreaming is not a unitary phenomenon. Although humans spend one third of their life sleeping, most models of human cognition are structured based upon evidence derived from waking-life cognition. The development of a 24 hour model of cognition is necessary for the further understanding of consciousness. The existence of lucid dreaming reveals higher-order cognitive skills present during sleep; skills that previously have been assumed to be characteristic only of waking life. The question remains whether there is any relationship between the manifestation of higher-order cognitive skills in dreams and their manifestation in waking life. The uniquely human ability to reflect upon ourselves, think about past and plan the future could help illuminate the human condition…

Conclusion There was no relationship found between rational reflective abilities measured with the Cognitive Reflective Test nor the syllogisms test and lucid dream frequency…therefore providing no evidence for a dual-processing account of lucid dreaming. However, internal locus of control, dream recall frequency, and openness to experience were correlated with lucid dream frequency, supporting previous research.” 

 Related Post(s):

The Relation Of Metacognition And Lucid Dreams; And The Possible Treatment Approaches That Come With It

Lucid Dreaming And Locus Of Control

Prefrontal Cortex and its Role in Lucid Dreaming

Frontal Parts Of The Brain Click Back In During Lucid Dreams Despite Them Normally Being Off During REM Sleep

A Study on Neurological Differences (Prefrontal Cortex) between Long Term Lucid Dreamers and Non-Lucid Dreamers

Neuroscience of Lucid Dreams and Amount of Frontopolar Cortex Grey Matter in Lucid Dreamers

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Effective Means of Prolonging A Lucid Dream Sun, 19 Apr 2020 13:57:35 +0000 Excerpts from a study by Stephen LaBerge – Lucidity Institute: “Prolonging Lucid Dreams… By Stephen LaBerge Experiment Lucidity Institute members were invited to compare each of the following… A. SPINNING… B. GOING WITH THE FLOW  When subjects were in a lucid dream and the dream began to fade, they were[...]

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Excerpts from a study by Stephen LaBerge – Lucidity Institute:

“Prolonging Lucid Dreams…

By Stephen LaBerge


Lucidity Institute members were invited to compare each of the following…


B. GOING WITH THE FLOW  When subjects were in a lucid dream and the dream began to fade, they were to persist in doing whatever they were doing in the dream before it started to fade…



…Only 33% of the FLOW TECHNIQUE lucid dreams were prolonged, compared with 90% of the RUBBING and 96% of the SPINNING lucid dreams…

…Overall, the odds in favor of continuing the lucid dream were about 22 to 1 after SPINNING, 13 to 1 after RUBBING, and 1 to 2 after GOING WITH THE FLOW. That makes the relative odds FAVORING SPINNING over going with the flow 48 to 1, and for rubbing over going with the flow, 27 to 1…


…both the spinning and rubbing techniques are effective means of prolonging lucid dreams. The fact that the rubbing technique worked as well as it was predicted to supports the theory behind the prediction: that interaction and sensory experience in the dream inconsistent with perception of the state of the body in bed will suppress awakening…

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Statistics About General Knowledge Of Lucid Dreaming And Lucid Dream Induction Techniques Sat, 08 Feb 2020 06:20:43 +0000 Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – modified by addition of picture(s) – Neuhäusler, A., Schredl, M., & Göritz, A. S. (2018). General knowledge about lucid dreaming and lucid dream induction techniques: An online study, 11(2), 179–185 – “General knowledge about lucid dreaming and[...]

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Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – modified by addition of picture(s) – Neuhäusler, A., Schredl, M., & Göritz, A. S. (2018). General knowledge about lucid dreaming and lucid dream induction techniques: An online study, 11(2), 179–185 –

“General knowledge about lucid dreaming and lucid dream induction techniques: An online study

…The findings indicate that one quarter of all participants had heard of lucid dreaming once or several times via literature, the Internet or friends. An increase in age was negatively correlated to previous knowledge of lucid dreaming whereas female gender and higher education showed a positive correlation to knowledge about lucid dreaming via literature and friends. The lucid dream induction techniques of reality checks, critical questions, hypnosis and supplements are most commonly known to the subsample of the survey participants. Except for hypnosis these techniques are also the most often applied. The total number of techniques that are known correlated negatively with age, but not with gender or education. No significant differences, however, were found for the total number of techniques that were applied. It would be very interesting to study whether the reported application of these induction techniques – carried out in the home setting by the individual alone – had beneficial effects on lucid dream frequency as the efficacy of most induction techniques were only studied within formal research projects…

…The current sample was German speaking; it would be very interesting to carry out similar studies within other cultures

…it would be interesting to study the differences between persons having lucid dreams but never heard about the phenomenon (literature, internet, friends, etc.) with persons who had external input on that topic.”

Lucid Dream Statistics

“…An online survey (Schädlich & Erlacher, 2012) found 5 main topics what people are doing within their lucid dreams: The majority of respondents (about 80%) make use of their lucid dream abilities for simply having fun: flying, playing games, dancing, etc. Over half (about 60%) benefit from lucid dreams by decreasing their nightmare frequency and intensity. Other applications that were stated are problem solving (about 30%), development of creativity (about 27%) and practice of specific movements (about 21%)…

only about 20% experience lucid dreams frequently (Schredl & Erlacher, 2011), i.e., having lucid dreams more than once a month (Snyder & Gackenbach, 1988)…

…Interestingly, children seem to become lucid during dreams more frequently than adults (Schredl, Henley-Einion, & Blagrove…

Japanese student sample revealed a significantly lower lucid dream frequency when compared to Dutch, German and American students (Erlacher, Schredl, Watanabe, Yamana, & Gantzert, 2008)…

… According to Stumbrys et al. (2012), five techniques seem to have a good effectiveness: MILD, reflection, intention, light stimuli, and WBTB…” 


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About Lucid Dreaming And Its Relation To Mental Health, Personality, Self-Confidence, Behavior Control… Mon, 13 Jan 2020 17:03:01 +0000 Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – Doll, E., Gittler, G., & Holzinger, B. (2009). Dreaming, Lucid Dreaming and Personality, 2(2), 52–57 – “DREAMING, LUCID DREAMING AND PERSONALITY… …Our investigation focused on the frequency of the lucid dream experience and its relationship to mental[...]

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Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – Doll, E., Gittler, G., & Holzinger, B. (2009). Dreaming, Lucid Dreaming and Personality, 2(2), 52–57 –


…Our investigation focused on the frequency of the lucid dream experience and its relationship to mental health; behavioral control…; decision behavior…; and spatial abilities… Data analysis of 89 subjects suggested that frequent lucid dreamers…differ from rare…and non-lucid dreamers… by higher scores on the scales of mental health; free of complaints; assertiveness; autonomy, and self-confidence. With regard to behavioral control, decision behavior, and spatial abilities, no significant differences were found between the three dream groups…

…Altogether, our results confirmed the relationship between lucid dreaming and trait aspects of mental health. The increased scores of frequent lucid dreamers on the mental health supported the view…that mental and also physical health are associated with lucid dreaming…

…in sum, it is conceivable that lucid dreaming influences the management of mental conflicts in a positive way and – with qualified therapeutic accompaniment – may have a favourable affect on waking life…

…However, the sample was not representative of the general population and was mainly comprised of spontaneous lucid dreamers. How a training to induce lucid dreams might affect personality and well-being remains open…

…The hypothesis that lucid dreaming interacts with control of behavior in waking life…was not supported. Obviously, behavioral control in waking life, which includes long-term planning and striving for order, includes a different aspect of control than that involved in lucid dreaming. The difference in the character of reality in dreams and in waking life may also play a role in this context. In contrast to waking life, dreams do not have continuity and are short-term occurrences, whereas the waking world offers a continuous reality of space and time where long-term planning is practicable…

…Altogether, dream recall frequency correlated with lucid dream frequency, but showed other relationships to personality traits than lucid dream frequency. This suggests that lucid dreams are a phenomenon to be distinguished from ordinary dreams…  The correlation found between a positive attitude towards dreams and general dream recall frequency agrees with the results of Schredl et al. (1996) as well as Cernovsky (1984)…”

Related Post(s):

“Lucid Dreaming for Mental Health” – By Maxwell Hunter, TheRaRaRabbit- Psychology

“Nocturnal Consciousness And Its Importance For The Exploration Of Psychopathology”

Studies on the use of lucid dreams to improve emotional fitness/mental fitness/self improvement such as confidence, positive thinking, etc.

MIXING PSYCHOLOGY AND REALITY CHECKS – Using Awareness Of Emotions To Induce Reality Checks and Positive Thinking

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“Nocturnal Consciousness And Its Importance For The Exploration Of Psychopathology” Thu, 02 Jan 2020 12:08:43 +0000 “Nocturnal Consciousness and Its Importance for the Exploration of Psychopathology” …In fact, the dream sleep stage…has been suggested as a model for schizophrenia…and there is some evidence that psychosis may be conceptualized as sleeping mentation entering the waking state… The various nocturnal consciousness characteristics that have been related to stress,[...]

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“Nocturnal Consciousness and Its Importance for the Exploration of Psychopathology”

…In fact, the dream sleep stage…has been suggested as a model for schizophrenia…and there is some evidence that psychosis may be conceptualized as sleeping mentation entering the waking state… The various nocturnal consciousness characteristics that have been related to stress, negative emotion, or psychopathological symptoms include—but are not limited to—traumatic and non-traumatic nightmares…, recurrent dreams…falling asleep…, dream bizarreness, and hypnagogic hallucinations…” Nirit Soffer-Dudek – Consciousness and Psychopathology Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel – Frontiers in Psychology,

 “Lucid dreams are unique among atypical sleep experiences because they promote resilience instead of psychopathology, says Soffer-Dudek” – Soffer-Dudek, N. (2017) – Arousal in nocturnal consciousness: How dream- and sleep-experiences may inform us of poor sleep quality, stress, and psychopathology. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(733)

Related Post(s):

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About Brain Activity Causing Consciousness and Vivid Colors In Lucid Dreams Fri, 04 Jan 2019 19:30:23 +0000 AN INVESTIGATION INTO NEURAL CORRELATES OF LUCID DREAMING “…During lucid dreaming the bilateral precuneus, cuneus, parietal lobules, and prefrontal and occipito-temporal cortices activated strongly as compared with non-lucid REM sleep… …We further observed increased activation in bilateral frontopolar areas, which have been related to the processing of internal states, e.g.,[...]

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“…During lucid dreaming the bilateral precuneus, cuneus, parietal lobules, and prefrontal and occipito-temporal cortices activated strongly as compared with non-lucid REM sleep…

…We further observed increased activation in bilateral frontopolar areas, which have been related to the processing of internal states, e.g., the evaluation of one’s own thoughts and feelings…

…The strongest increase in activation during lucid compared to non-lucid REM sleep was observed in the precuneus, a brain region that has been implicated in self-referential processing, such as first-person perspective and experience of agency…

…Interestingly, we found activation in the bilateral cuneus and occipitotemporal cortices. These areas are part of the ventral stream of visual processing, which is involved in several aspects of conscious awareness in visual perception. While these activations seem puzzling… they are in line with reports of lucid dreamers stating that lucidity is associated with an exceptional brightness and visual clarity of the dream scenery…

…lucid dreaming therefore fits well with the therapeutic effects of lucidity training on recurrent nightmares. If lucid dreaming can also be utilized in the treatment of other dream disorders like terrifying hypnogogic hallucinations or pathological dream vivification is an open question that warrants further investigation.” … – By Martin Dresler, PhD, Renate Wehrle, PhD, Victor I. Spoormaker, PhD, Stefan P. Koch, PhD, Florian Holsboer, MD, PhD, Axel Steiger, MD, Hellmuth Obrig, MD, Philipp G. Sämann, MD, and Michael Czisch, PhD –

Related Post(s):

Frontal Parts Of The Brain Click Back In During Lucid Dreams Despite Them Normally Being Off During REM Sleep

Neuroscience of Lucid Dreams and Amount of Frontopolar Cortex Grey Matter in Lucid Dreamers

Training The Prefrontal Cortex And Possible Applications

Prefrontal Cortex and its Role in Lucid Dreaming

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Claude Rifat’s Concepts From “Conscious Dreaming And Controlled Hallucinations” Fri, 16 Nov 2018 20:37:32 +0000 Guest Post By Konstantinos Fakinos Here is a small paper with some terms I collected to a list about conscious dreaming from the work of Claude Rifat, “Conscious Dreaming And Controlled Hallucinations”. Links to his work are at the bottom of the attached article. Excerpt: “This article is written mostly[...]

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Guest Post By Konstantinos Fakinos

Here is a small paper with some terms I collected to a list about conscious dreaming from the work of Claude Rifat, “Conscious Dreaming And Controlled Hallucinations”.

Links to his work are at the bottom of the attached article.


“This article is written mostly for people who have the basic knowledge of what conscious dreaming is. This means they have some experiences of conscious dreaming, daydreaming, imaginative visualization, these and other relative concepts are considered known and understood.

To start with, I will list first some terms Claude Rifat used to describe phenomena related to dreams, conscious dreams and in general how our biological memory works. Below the list are parts from Claude’s article [in blue text – everything with black text is my comments] which explain the concepts in the list. The study he made is based on scientific research and with personal observations inside dreams. This is important because until then very few scientists of the mind were exploring consciousness from inside, from the perspective of the dreamer. The study had been written since 1976 until 1989.

When we imagine something or having a memory of something, what we do in neurological level is that we activate a specific memory zone in the brain, and what an expert conscious dreamer do, when he build a scenery for example, is that he have learned to activate and stabilize specific memory zones at will.

The intensity of how vivid is the memory of something, means how much is metabolically active that zone. In comparison of exogenous imagination and endogenus [in a conscious dream] we soon discover that in exogenus, in our natural everyday state, we can imagine only to a certain point and in dreams we can have much stronger visualization to the level of materialization with many senses involved. This is controlled by some regulator mechanisms I will explain below, the attenuator, DRP and SBEM which are responsible for the normal function of our consciousness.

Why we see irrational scenes in dreams or without continuous time sequence? This can be explained with MHV, and MCV “box” concepts along with the previous mechanisms the Attenuator and DRP. So when we are awake, consciously or unconsciously we activate some memory zones, some more and some less intense [with different emotional impression and different meaning each-one so they make different connections with different memory zones involved]. When they are activated they can remain active in the memory for some time [as we imprint in our memory the events some remain and some faint, so when we see a dream of something we would not expect we still remember that but for a reason had stayed in memory. Or we see things that are imprinted with our second unconscious attention]. Now, when we are sleeping the logical reasoning and other functions ceases [not completely and with variations in intensity] but the memory areas are still active and informational objects fall into the oneiric scene, somehow like a collection of unrelated events and objects interacting inside a portion of continuous time of an oneiric episode.

It is not so simple though, because maybe it can be with no logical explanation the sequence of images or the dream scenario, so to seem random but sometimes it follows some internal rules from the instincts or emotional centers, the drives or archetypes, to make some kind of coded symbolic message for our conscious self about a specific matter like a solution to a problem, like a different type of thought processor than everyday rational thinking. Even if usually consciousnes or reasoning are not active but other mechanisms could be driving the dream or are active to involve with the dream.

Claude Rifat was a biologist, his accomplishments include some early research into GHB (γ-Hydroxybutyric acid), including the thymoanaleptic/antidepressant and sociabilising effects of this molecule. So he is referring for examples about cannabinoid hallucinations, cholinergic, hallucinations by NMDA receptors, serotoninergic, and other molecules or about regular state of mind, dreaming state, schizophrenic state etc. I wanted not to write anything about substances but this is his research and I can not just put them out. After all, every serious researcher on the subject who has a real interest to learn has to consider them also which are part of nature.

One last thing I want to mention is that I have not make any official studies on these subjects, I just like to study these concepts in my free time because it happened to have conscious dreams spontaneously and with time I started to interest about the mechanisms of it and finally about the mechanisms that produce our consciousnees and our memory. If some of these are not right, if I have wrong ideas, at least I think this kind of concepts are very interesting and should be studied more. If I have understood Claude’s ideas wrongly please send me a message to know…” – Konstantinos Fakinos

Copyright 2018 Konstantinos Fakinos

LINK TO ENTIRE ARTICLE:  Claude Rifat’s Concepts From Conscious Dreaming And Controlled Hallucinations

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LUCID DREAMING THERAPY – An Online SEMINAR for MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Fri, 20 Jul 2018 17:24:36 +0000 LUCID DREAMING THERAPY – APA-Approved Continuing Education – by clinical psychologist, Kristen LaMarca, PhD One of the first of its kind, this APA-Approved Continuing Education (CE) Online Seminar introduces skills training to mental health professionals who are interested in lucid dreaming as a form of treatment. Kristen LaMarca PhD is specialized in psychophysiology[...]


LUCID DREAMING THERAPY – APA-Approved Continuing Education – by clinical psychologist, Kristen LaMarca, PhD

One of the first of its kind, this APA-Approved Continuing Education (CE) Online Seminar introduces skills training to mental health professionals who are interested in lucid dreaming as a form of treatment.

Kristen LaMarca PhD is specialized in psychophysiology and behavioural treatments for sleep disorders. She co-facilitates lucid dreaming training programs for the Lucidity Institute. Teaming up with Stephen LaBerge and Benjamin Baird, she recently concluded a study that examined the use of galantamine to induce and/or increase the frequency of lucid dreams.

Seminar Information:

Related Post(s):

“Lucid Dreaming for Mental Health” – By Maxwell Hunter, TheRaRaRabbit- Psychology

MIXING PSYCHOLOGY AND REALITY CHECKS – Using Awareness Of Emotions To Induce Reality Checks and Positive Thinking

Lucid Dream Therapy in Psychiatry

Lucid Dreaming And The Darker Side Of The Psyche – Charlie Morley And Shadow Work

The Relation Of Metacognition And Lucid Dreams; And The Possible Treatment Approaches That Come With It



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SPATIAL ANGLE MODULATION (SAM) – The Future Replacement Of Binaural Beats To Gain Altered States Of Consciousness, Such As Lucid Dreaming, Through Audio Technology? Sat, 24 Mar 2018 17:57:50 +0000 The Monroe Institute and its SPATIAL ANGLE MODULATION (SAM) technology “The Monroe Institute (TMI) provides experiential education programs facilitating the personal exploration of human consciousness…” “In 2008, The Monroe Institute began to investigate a complementary method of producing the consciousness altering effects… …Rather than binaural beating to achieve its effect, Spatial Angle Modulation™[...]

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The Monroe Institute and its SPATIAL ANGLE MODULATION (SAM) technology

The Monroe Institute (TMI) provides experiential education programs facilitating the personal exploration of human consciousness…”

“In 2008, The Monroe Institute began to investigate a complementary method of producing the consciousness altering effects…

…Rather than binaural beating to achieve its effect, Spatial Angle Modulation™ (SAM) uses a single frequency tone…

…The greater the quantum coherence quotient, the more non-local awareness emerges or what one might call experiential quantum entanglement, the gate key to non-local awareness…

… We believe that the objective evidence for SAM’s effectiveness in facilitating enhanced states of awareness will be shown in ongoing studies of gamma synchrony as an electrophysiological correlate of consciousness itself.” –  The Monroe Institute –

“It’s supposed to help get you in altered states of consciousness…They’re interested in states that correlate with gamma waves (above beta frequencies).” –

Another way to picture all this…is that with the SAM quantum mind technology we will be able to alter the frame exposure rate for perceived local reality, the interlude between frames (when you are entangled with all space/time), and the exposure period for both perspectives…” – Restless Soma – Tributary – July 19, 2011 –

“…Using stereo headphones or speakers, the spatial angle of the apparent sound source moves more rapidly than the brain can process as a Doppler shift anomaly. As a result, the brain produces a modulation or change in the tone – a tremolo effect similar to binaural beating. It is this tremolo effect coupled with the size and orientation of the movement arc produced that give SAM its ability to influence regional brain activity and changes in states of consciousness…” – F. Holmes (Skip) Atwater – IRVA 2012 – Quantum Mind RV with Spatial Angle Modulation™

The Monroe Institute – Spacial Angle Modulation – Open Meditation: YouTube –

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Frontal Parts Of The Brain Click Back In During Lucid Dreams Despite Them Normally Being Off During REM Sleep Wed, 07 Mar 2018 23:14:23 +0000 What happens in the brain during a lucid dream: “The difference in cognition between the two types of dreaming suggests that lucid dreaming occurs when the frontal parts of the sleeper’s brain — which are normally “off-line” during REM sleep — click back in, bringing back self-consciousness. However, the back[...]

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What happens in the brain during a lucid dream:

“The difference in cognition between the two types of dreaming suggests that lucid dreaming occurs when the frontal parts of the sleeper’s brain — which are normally “off-line” during REM sleep — click back in, bringing back self-consciousness. However, the back parts, which process sensations, are not synced up with the wide awake frontal cortex. So instead of taking in information from the outside world, they remain closed off in the word of the dream, creating a virtual world as convincing as the one outside.”

The Huffington Post – By Rayleigh Ping-Ying Chiang, M.D., Shu-Hui Tsai, Ph.D., Rita Carter (The Huffington Post, 02/05/2014)  

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Prefrontal Cortex and its Role in Lucid Dreaming

Neuroscience of Lucid Dreams and Amount of Frontopolar Cortex Grey Matter in Lucid Dreamers

Research into Brain Activity during Lucid Dreaming

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The Power Of Intent and Mnemonic Techniques Sat, 20 Jan 2018 17:36:43 +0000 MNEMONIC – assisting or intended to assist memory MNEMONIC TECHNIQUE – A device, such as a formula or rhyme, used as an aid in remembering “If You Want to Have Lucid Dreams, Here’s a Tip From a Recent Study” – by Mike McRae “….One technique required subjects to practice checking[...]

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MNEMONIC – assisting or intended to assist memory

MNEMONIC TECHNIQUE – A device, such as a formula or rhyme, used as an aid in remembering

“If You Want to Have Lucid Dreams, Here’s a Tip From a Recent Study” – by Mike McRae

“….One technique required subjects to practice checking their reality while awake with the aim of entrenching the habit for when they were dreaming.

A second process required them to awaken for a short duration after five hours of sleep, and then return to sleep…

The third technique – referred to as MILD (mnemonic induction of lucid dreams) – involved repeating the phrase “the next time I’m dreaming, I will remember that I’m dreaming” while awake….

…Just over 17 percent of dreams among those who used all three techniques were described as lucid. Among those who fell asleep within five minutes of returning to bed during the MILD technique, this rate skyrocketed to almost 46 percent…

“The MILD technique works on what we call ‘prospective memory’ – that is, your ability to remember to do things in the future,” says researcher Denholm Aspy.

“By repeating a phrase that you will remember you’re dreaming, it forms an intention in your mind that you will, in fact, remember that you are dreaming, leading to a lucid dream.”….

…The least likely to work, however, was practicing reality checks while awake. Those in this group actually experienced fewer lucid dreams….

This research was published in Dreaming.” –…

Reality testing and the mnemonic induction of lucid dreams: Findings from the national Australian lucid dream induction study. – Aspy, Denholm J.,Delfabbro, Paul,Proeve, Michael,Mohr, Philip – Dreaming, Vol 27(3), Sep 2017, 206-231 –

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Neuroscience of Lucid Dreams and Amount of Frontopolar Cortex Grey Matter in Lucid Dreamers Fri, 19 Jan 2018 19:57:33 +0000 Differences in brain consistency between lucid dreamers and non-lucid dreamers “The Neuroscience of Lucid Dreams” – Scientific American – By Susana Martinez-Conde “…The research showed that the brains of people with high and low dream lucidity were different. Subjects with high lucidity had greater gray matter volume in the frontopolar[...]

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Differences in brain consistency between lucid dreamers and non-lucid dreamers

“The Neuroscience of Lucid Dreams” – Scientific American – By Susana Martinez-Conde

“…The research showed that the brains of people with high and low dream lucidity were different. Subjects with high lucidity had greater gray matter volume in the frontopolar cortex, compared to those with low lucidity. …”

Click here for the article:

GREY MATTER – “Grey matter refers to unmyelinated neurons and other cells of the central nervous system. It is present in the brainbrainstem and cerebellum, and present throughout the spinal cord.” – Wikipedia –

Prefrontal Cortex and its Role in Lucid Dreaming

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The Relation Of Metacognition And Lucid Dreams; And The Possible Treatment Approaches That Come With It Tue, 16 Jan 2018 17:33:55 +0000 “Metacognition is “cognition about cognition”, “thinking about thinking“, “knowing about knowing”, becoming “aware of one’s awareness” and higher-order thinking skills.” – Wikipedia – “Could we one day heal the mind by taking control of our dreams?… …Brain regions involved in meta-cognition are among the most activated in lucid dreaming… …In principle, lucid[...]

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“Metacognition is “cognition about cognition”, “thinking about thinking“, “knowing about knowing”, becoming “aware of one’s awareness” and higher-order thinking skills.” – Wikipedia –

“Could we one day heal the mind by taking control of our dreams?…

Brain regions involved in meta-cognition are among the most activated in lucid dreaming…

…In principle, lucid dreaming may be a powerful tool for promoting insight and emotional change, as one gains moment-by-moment conscious access to the workings of the mind – including suppressed feelings. This may even offer a way to work with issues such as addiction, just as a hypnotherapist may approach a nicotine addiction by suggesting a conscious intent to the subconscious mind…” – July 14, 2016 – Adhip Rawal – Lecturer In Psychology, University of Sussex –

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The Phenomenon Of False Awakenings Tue, 26 Dec 2017 08:17:08 +0000 Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – modified by addition of pictures – Buzzi, G. (2011). False awakenings in light of the dream protoconsciousness theory: a study in lucid dreamers, 4(2), 110–116, “False Awakenings In Light Of The Dream Protoconsciousness Theory: A Study In Lucid[...]

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Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – modified by addition of pictures – Buzzi, G. (2011). False awakenings in light of the dream protoconsciousness theory: a study in lucid dreamers, 4(2), 110–116,

“False Awakenings In Light Of The Dream Protoconsciousness Theory: A Study In Lucid Dreamers”

False awakenings (FAs) are sleep-related experiences in which the subjects erroneously believe that they have woken up, only to discover subsequently that the apparent awakening was part of a dream

…Different from ordinary dreams, FAs have been reported to typically provide a realistic replica of normal perception. The subjects may experience a realistic representation of normal daily activities before really waking up in bed…with radical spatial-temporal discontinuities being typically absent or greatly attenuated…

..The same scenario may unfold repeatedly. One of the respondents in the present survey wrote: “Perhaps the worst FA experience for me, or the most irksome anyway, is the “start your day FA”. I wake up, shower, shave, dress, make breakfast, have a few cups of coffee, and am heading out the door to go to work, when suddenly… I wake up. There have been times that this process has repeated itself a dozen times, when I finally actually do wake up I am exhausted with the effort of getting ready for work so many times, and I remain suspicious and dubious as to whether I am really awake for quite some time”…

…FAs differ substantially from ordinary dreams. Cheyne (2004) states: “False awakening contradicts, as does lucid dreaming, the notion of a one-way understanding between dreams and waking consciousness. The false awakening experient is, in a sense, acutely aware of the waking world, actively believing that s/he is in it and, explicitly, out of the dream world. Thus, although the consciousness of false awakening is non-lucid with regard its own status, it is, unlike the conventional dream, implicitly aware of the existence of two worlds. The confusion is simply about which one the experient is in”…

…FAs seem to escape the phenomenon of “dream amnesia” which, in ordinary dreams, may explain such features as sudden and complete scene shifts and the frequent occurrence of impossible events and plots (Hobson et al., 2000). On one hand, FAs –different from ordinary dreams – are usually well remembered in waking. Many respondents report that when they wake up after one or more FAs, they typically question if they are really awake, due to the vivid and persisting memory of the preceding experience…

…On the other hand, elements related to explicit memories seem to be much more accessible during FAs then during ordinary dreams…

…A hyper-aroused REM sleep state is likely to underlie FAs, as suggested by their frequent association with lucid dreams and with sleep paralysis (see Introduction)…. Accordingly, the peculiar polysomnographic pattern observed in a unique case of laboratory-documented FA (Takeuchi et al., 1994) was indicative of an anomalous, hyper-aroused REM sleep state…

…The fact that FAs tend to express highly realistic and detailed experiential memories (visuo-spatial memories of familiar environments, autobiographic memories of general – more than episodic- events such as nocturnal awakenings, start-of-the-day routine, etc) suggests that in this state the ordinary REM sleep machinery aimed at dismantling explicit memories is not properly at work. This could be the trivial effect of a disturbed REM sleep. Alternatively, FAs could represent a vestigial REM sleep in which such machinery hasn’t developed yet….

…Accordance with the proposed hypothesis, a high prevalence of FAs could be expected in children, whose “REM sleep machinery” might be less developed…

…Undoubtedly, FAs represent a fascinating, yet largely unexplored state of consciousness which deserves more attention by the dream research community…”

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Lucid Dreaming And Locus Of Control Mon, 25 Dec 2017 19:50:30 +0000 “In personality psychology, locus of control is the degree to which people believe that they have control over the outcome of events in their lives, as opposed to external forces beyond their control.” – Wikipedia “Internal vs. External Locus of Control People who base their success on their own work[...]

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“In personality psychology, locus of control is the degree to which people believe that they have control over the outcome of events in their lives, as opposed to external forces beyond their control.” – Wikipedia

“Internal vs. External Locus of Control

People who base their success on their own work and believe they control their life have an internal locus of control. In contrast, people who attribute their success or failure to outside influences have an external locus of control.” – – Chapter 7/Lesson 5 – Instructor: Rob Wengrzyn

“Lucid dreaming: Associations with internal locus of control, need for cognition and creativity”

“…Frequent lucid dreamers have previously been shown to be more internal on Rotter’s Locus of Control (LOC) scale than are non-lucid dreamers. The present study found that frequent lucid dreamers had higher scores than non-lucid dreamers on the Internal dimension of Levenson’s LOC scale, but not on Levenson’s LOC Powerful Others and Chance dimensions…

…and also occasional lucid dreamers…, also scored significantly higher on Need for Cognition and on Gough’s self-assessed Creative Personality scale, than did non-lucid dreamers…

…The results indicate a continuity between styles of waking and dreaming cognition, just as previous work has shown a continuity of content…”  –  Lucid dreaming: Associations with internal locus of control, need for cognition and creativity

January 2000

The above includes excerpts of the article by M. Blagrove*, S.J. Hartnell – Department of Psychology, University of Wales Swansea, Swansea, SA2 8PP, UK, Received 30 September 1998



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Why Dreams Are Predominantly Experienced In Imagistic Terms Tue, 19 Dec 2017 14:04:22 +0000 “The Scientific Reason You Can’t Read While You Dream” “Nevertheless, the many parts of the brain that have to do with interpreting language are toward the back and middle of your brain and, in general, are much less active while we are asleep….They include, crucially, two regions known as Broca’s[...]

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“The Scientific Reason You Can’t Read While You Dream”
Lucid Dreaming - Reading

“Nevertheless, the many parts of the brain that have to do with interpreting language are toward the back and middle of your brain and, in general, are much less active while we are asleep….They include, crucially, two regions known as Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area….

Lucid Dreaming - Reading

… We Do Not Dream of the Three Rs.” He was referring to reading, writing, and arithmetic — energy-intensive actions that overwhelm our day-to-day lives — and found that less than one percent of the people he surveyed experience them in their dreams.” – By Yasmin Tayag – on November 16, 2017 –

“…Wernicke’s area (/ˈvɛərnɪkə/German: [ˈvɛɐ̯nɪkə]), also called Wernicke’s speech area, is one of the two parts of the cerebral cortex that are linked to speech, the other being Broca’s area…” – Wikipedia

Lucid Dreaming - Reading

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About How Ions Control The Neuronal Firing Patterns During the Transition From Sleep to Wakefulness Tue, 19 Dec 2017 12:26:31 +0000 “Chaos In The Transition From Sleep To Awake” “The article explores how ions can control the neuronal firing patterns and how the dynamics change in a transition to chaos… This transition represents what happens when organisms go from a sleeping to waking state and could potentially provide a new angle[...]

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“Chaos In The Transition From Sleep To Awake”

“The article explores how ions can control the neuronal firing patterns and how the dynamics change in a transition to chaos… This transition represents what happens when organisms go from a sleeping to waking state and could potentially provide a new angle on how to define sleep…

Medical Express – Neural Science – Credit: Niels Bohr Institute –

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Applying Quantum Mechanics in Research to Test if Human Mind can separate itself from the Physical World

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The Connection Between LSD And Dreams Tue, 05 Dec 2017 15:47:58 +0000 THE CONNECTION BETWEEN LSD AND DREAMS “Dreamlike effects of LSD on waking imagery in humans depend on serotonin 2A receptor activation… …LSD produced mental imagery similar to dreaming, primarily via activation of the 5-HT2A receptor and in relation to loss of self-boundaries and cognitive control… ⚡️ …Future psychopharmacological studies should[...]

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“Dreamlike effects of LSD on waking imagery in humans depend on serotonin 2A receptor activation…
…LSD produced mental imagery similar to dreaming, primarily via activation of the 5-HT2A receptor and in relation to loss of self-boundaries and cognitive control… ⚡

…Future psychopharmacological studies should assess the differential contribution of the D2/D1 and 5-HT1A receptors to cognitiv.” 🔬 – SPRINGER*🔹

“…We investigated the semantic similarity between a large number of subjective reports of psychoactive substances and reports of high/low lucidity dreams, and found that the highest-ranking substance in terms of the similarity to high lucidity dreams was the serotonergic psychedelic lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), whereas the highest-ranking in terms of the similarity to dreams of low lucidity were plants of the Datura genus, rich in deliriant tropane alkaloids. Conversely, sedatives, stimulants, antipsychotics, and antidepressants comprised most of the lowest-ranking substances…” – FRONTIERS**🔘

…The highest ranking substances were LSD, Mescaline, & then plants of the Datura genus. Findings showed that serotonergic & dissociative psychedelics bear the highest resemblance to dreaming…
…In general, dreams & psychedelics have a lot in common. A few of the clear similarities are the changes in perception, self-awareness, & stimulation of metacognitive functions…” – GET LUCID WITH LANA -***🔸

*🔹 By Rainer KraehenmannEmail authorDan PokornyLeonie VollenweiderKatrin H. PrellerThomas PokornyErich SeifritzFranz X. –…/10.1007%2Fs00213-017-4610-0

**🔘 The Experience Elicited by Hallucinogens Presents the Highest Similarity to Dreaming within a Large Database of Psychoactive Substance Reports – By Camila Sanz, Federico Zamberlan, Earth Erowid, Fire Erowid and Enzo Tagliazucchi –…/fnins.2018.00007/full

***🔸 – By Lana Sackwild – Get Lucid With Lana –…/psychedelic-lucid-dream-rese…

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