Human Mind Archives » LUCID DREAM RESEARCH This is a network for lucid dreamers and scientists to share research information and lucid dream experiences, connect for future studies, and expand the knowledge of the lucid dream phenomenon. Fri, 31 Dec 2021 11:43:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 194839300 Personality Traits Of Lucid Dreamers Wed, 06 Oct 2021 16:50:52 +0000 Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – modified by addition of pictures – Shafiei, B. (2019). Big five personality traits and dream recall frequency in spontaneous vs. self-trained lucid dreamers, 12(2), 8–13 –  “Big Five Personality Traits And Dream Recall Frequency In[...]

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Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – modified by addition of pictures – Shafiei, B. (2019). Big five personality traits and dream recall frequency in spontaneous vs. self-trained lucid dreamers, 12(2), 8–13 – 

“Big Five Personality Traits And Dream Recall Frequency In Spontaneous Vs. Self-Trained Lucid Dreamers”

Bita Shafiei – Department of Psychology, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran – IJoDR

“Acknowledgements – The author would like to thank Michael Schredl for his help with preparing the manuscript.”


“…lucid dream frequency is moderately associated with lucid dream controlling

…After the age of 25, a spontaneous onset of lucid dreaming appears to be very infrequent

Trained lucid dreamers had shorter lucid dreams but were more likely to take an active role in the development of the lucid dream plot and more likely to try some waking intentions in their lucid dreams, in comparison with spontaneous lucid dreamers (Stumbrys et al., 2014)…

…Internal locus of control…and need for cognition…were found to be correlated with lucid dreaming

…However, Wolpin, Marston, Randolph, and Clothier (1992) had not succeeded in discovering the relationship between internal locus of control and lucid dreaming frequency

…Schredl and Erlacher (2004) found small but significant correlation between fantasy and ideas, two facets of openness to experience, and lucid dream frequency. Moreover, in Schredl and Noveski’s (2017) research performed on students, regardless of the negative association between lucid dream frequency and agreeableness, they also pointed out a negative correlation between lucid dream frequency and neuroticism which was considered as a new outcome…

…there was a significant relationship between lucid dreaming and the openness to experience factor. Furthermore, lucid dreaming seemed to be related to the Big Five conscientiousness factor. Additionally, an online survey conducted by Hess, Schredl, & Goritz, (2016) proposed that openness to experience was positively correlated with lucid dreaming frequency, whereas the correlation was negative for agreeableness

hypnotic suggestibility…thin boundaries…creativity…and absorption…were found to be related to lucid dreaming frequency

…In addition, many researches indicated a significant relationship between lucid dream frequency and dream recall

…As it seems the more people recall their dreams the more chance they have to recall their lucid dreams or in another direction, the more people are familiar with their dreams (i.e. able to better recall them), the more they are likely to recognize them while dreaming

openness to experience and extra version were found to be positively correlated with lucid dreaming frequency, while the correlations were negative for agreeableness and neuroticism

…Some factors such as gender, extraversion, openness to experiences, agreeableness, and dream recall frequency correlate with lucid dreaming frequency among self-trained lucid dreamers. However, only dream recall frequency is in association with lucid dreaming frequency in spontaneous lucid dreamers

…In addition, the difference between spontaneous and self-trained lucid dreamers regard to lucid dreaming frequency is a considerable finding. Analysis indicated that self-trained lucid dreamers experience lucid dreams more frequently in comparison with spontaneous ones. Lastly, by considering the percentages, self-trained lucid dreamers have the ability of controlling their lucid dreams and take an active role more than the spontaneous group

…Methodologically, the sample was elicited via a lucid dreaming website, which makes the result biased due to the more interested participants in taking part in this study

…Based on our finding, there was no gender difference among spontaneous lucid dreamers. However, men seemed more interested in eliciting lucid dreams through training

…As a result, people who were characterized as extraverted are more likely to experience lucid dreaming. Extraversion is defined as being assertive, active, positive, energetic, and talkativeExtraverted lucid dreamers, by considering those definitions, are willing to talk about their experiences with others which in this case talking about dreams brings about more dream recall…and consequently more lucid dreams

…Earlier studies demonstrated a positive correlation between openness to experience and lucid dreaming frequency

…People who score high in this dimension are recognized as creative, imaginary, curious and unconventional. Those with low level are conventional and like the feeling of familiarity…

Negative correlation between agreeableness and lucid dreaming frequency was another finding…

People with low level of agreeableness are identified as antagonistic, cold and disagreeable (Robbins et al, 2013). Lucid dreamers are more likely to be focused on fulfilling their own needs, and less likely to reflect on the needs of others; they might thus be less agreeable in waking life (Hess et al, 2016)…

…As percentages showed self-trained lucid dreamers appeared to be more active in their lucid dreams

trained lucid dreamers were more likely to take an active role rather than a passive role in the development of the dream plot

…In summary, self-trained lucid dreamers tend to experience lucid dreams more frequent than spontaneous lucid dreamers. Also, openness to experience and agreeableness were negatively correlated with lucid dreaming frequency whereas the correlations were positive between extraversion and dream recall frequency among self-trained lucid dreamers. However, dream recall frequency was the only predictor for lucid dreaming frequency among spontaneous lucid dreamers. Gender had an impact on lucid dreaming frequency only in the group of self-trained lucid dreamers…

…At last, it was demonstrated that self-trained lucid dreamers were more likely to take an active role in their lucid dream

Future studies should explore more about the possible differences between self-trained and spontaneous lucid dreamers. It would be also interesting to know what methods were utilized for inducing lucid dreams by self-trained lucid dreamers. Due to the reason that nightmare frequency is correlated with lucid dreaming frequency (Glicksohn, 1989; Hess et al, 2016; Schredl & Erlacher, 2004; Spadafora & Hunt, 1990; Stepansky et al., 1998) and the difference is still not investigated between the two groups of spontaneous and self-trained lucid dreamers, it can be considered as a good idea to fill this gap.” – Bita Shafiei –

Related Topic(s):

Lucid Dreaming And Locus Of Control

About Lucid Dreaming And Its Relation To Mental Health, Personality, Self-Confidence, Behavior Control…

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MIXING PSYCHOLOGY AND REALITY CHECKS – Using Awareness Of Emotions To Induce Reality Checks and Rational Thinking Sun, 12 Jan 2020 19:16:54 +0000 MIXING PSYCHOLOGY AND REALITY CHECKS – Using Awareness Of Emotions To Induce Reality Checks and Rational Thinking “Metacognition refers to one’s awareness of and ability to regulate one’s own thinking” – “…The differences in volumes in the anterior prefrontal cortex between lucid dreamers and non-lucid dreamers suggest that lucid[...]

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MIXING PSYCHOLOGY AND REALITY CHECKS Using Awareness Of Emotions To Induce Reality Checks and Rational Thinking

Metacognition refers to one’s awareness of and ability to regulate one’s own thinking” –

“…The differences in volumes in the anterior prefrontal cortex between lucid dreamers and non-lucid dreamers suggest that lucid dreaming and metacognition are indeed closely connected… Our results indicate that self-reflection in everyday life is more pronounced in persons who can easily control their dreams,” – Max Planck Gesellschaft –

“…85 percent of what subjects worried about never happened…  …new research has found that you can rewire your brain to stop worrying.  It starts with the decision not to believe the misfortune that your worried thoughts see in your future. The part of the brain that causes stress reactions literally has the intelligence of a toddler.” –

“…The process of noticing, and breaking thoughts down will help you immensely in becoming more aware and less reactive to negative thoughts that drain your energy and limit your growth.” –


  • Throughout the day, OBSERVE YOUR THOUGHTS and emotions.
  • Whenever a DISTURBING EMOTION such as worry, guilt, etc. comes up, DO A REALITY CHECK (since we worry so much, this should give ample opportunities for reality checks throughout the day.)
  • Follow up and
  • REPEAT, repeat, repeat


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“The Avatar Approach” by Ian Jaydid Sat, 04 Jan 2020 22:59:32 +0000 We’re going to explore a technique in Lucid Dreaming I refer to as “The Avatar Approach” which I believe holds great benefit for both the beginner and the advanced. It’s also an approach I have been hesitant to discuss for many years now. Hopefully by the end of this article[...]

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We’re going to explore a technique in Lucid Dreaming I refer to as “The Avatar Approach” which I believe holds great benefit for both the beginner and the advanced. It’s also an approach I have been hesitant to discuss for many years now. Hopefully by the end of this article my apprehension will be clear and anyone who attempts it will approach it with care and respect. The technique in and of itself is rather simple in its elegance, but to fully appreciate its full potential we need to dive into the philosophy and the mechanics behind it.

I began spontaneously entering conscious Lucidity during REM around the age of 19, just shy of thirty years ago. The impact these experiences had on my mind and worldview could not be exaggerated. It wasn’t long before I was becoming lucid nearly every night, often for hours at a stretch so I quickly grew desperate to understand what was happening to me. I had never heard of such intense states of awareness just occurring out of nowhere and the term, “Lucid Dreaming” was completely unknown to me. This was the early 90s and the internet was still in the stone-age which made finding reliable information on such an occult subject laborious and slow. It required digging through stacks of books, hoping the author had genuine, direct experience. I eventually did zero-in on several helpful resources, but I was mostly left to blaze my own path through trial and error. In retrospect, I’d have it no other way. My lack of resources forced me to enter this realm as a blank slate, free of a Narrative that dictated, “How Lucid Dreaming Works”; a quality so many seeking my advice online are lacking today.

With this in mind, I hope to offer a unique perspective on Lucidity but I also do not want to pile on yet another Narrative that might ultimately hinder personal experience. Afterall, our relationship with Narratives may be the most important factor in the game of waking up within our dream-states. Consider for a moment that ever since our species learned to speak complex languages we’ve carried on a rather bizarre connection with this function of Storyline. Upon developing an oral language, humans also developed this rather odd habit of talking to themselves incessantly. Our heads have become filled with so many, many stories: More so today than ever before, thanks to the information age. Some of those Narratives are based on truth, some built on assumptions or “second-hand information”, some we know to be pure fiction, others we aren’t so sure about. With a vast array of complexity and accuracy, we carry stories about how the world works, how our country operates and how friends and family came to be where they are today. Our brains are story-making, story-editing machines. In fact, they retain information best when it’s presented in the form of a story. We also spin an ongoing, never-ending tale about “Who We Are” and “What We’re Doing”, don’t we?

What I’m directing our attention to here is the most important story of them all: The one that is framing our world right this very moment. I’m referring to the story that you, the reader, are carrying now, about yourself. If you pause for a moment from your reading of this article you’ll realize that, as you read these words in the present moment, there is also a Narrative about “What’s Going On” that’s unique to you. That is, your reading of this article is taking place within a larger, abstract context that we generally pay very little attention to, yet also holds so many of the keys to the realms of Lucidity. From the perspective of the thinking mind, your present experience doesn’t take place within an empty vacuum in space. For example, if I asked you what your story looks like at the moment you may say something along the lines of, “I was at work earlier, then I came home and made dinner and watched some television on the couch and now I’m reading this article before I go to bed, and I have to get up early tomorrow because…etc. etc.”. And beyond that little Narrative, you carry an even larger story about Who You Are, your personality, your attributes, your history and where you imagine your life may be heading. And on. And on.

I’m not suggesting that any of those particular details of your little Narrative aren’t true, I am simply pointing to the fact that you imagine yourself operating within a storyline that moves from the past, which is gone, to a future, which hasn’t happened. And any story, no matter how accurate it may be, is always a highly condensed, extremely edited version of literally billions upon billions of other details and information. Furthermore, rarely (if ever) do we question the validity of that story we carry around. That Narrative of yours simply is what it is as far as we’re concerned. We always accept our Narrative without question about “Who We Are” and “What’s Going On” as cold, hard fact.

And THAT is why we don’t Lucid Dream.

Whether we are awake or asleep, we never stop and question the Narrative we are operating within, no matter how insane, abstract or flat-out impossible that story may be. At night we may regularly accept an abstract storyline without question that we have, say, been a soldier in an alien army on Mars for the last ten years of our life and we’re now on a mission to save the humans from extinction. Seems perfectly reasonable at the time, dreams usually do – that is, until we wake up and we compare our “Daily Narrative” against our “Dream Narrative”. Only in retrospect do we declare how ridiculous it all was. This is the dynamic that must change for us if we hope to start Waking Up.

Lucidity demands that we learn to detach from our operating Narrative – not just at night, but at any point in our life. This does not mean we have to make a judgement about the ultimate “accuracy” of the storyline we find ourselves in, it simply means we realize that what we are is NOT a Narrative. We are a consciousness that can involve itself with storylines, but we are absolutely not a story. When we realize this, we begin to “wake up”, in our dreams as well as in our daily lives. At the heart of it all, Lucid Dreaming is becoming conscious that we are greater than the storyline the mind weaves. It is a magical moment where we stop and declare, “This isn’t what I am! I am beyond this storyline!”. When this happens, we can operate above and beyond the restricted Narrative of the dream – and the possibilities from that point on are limited only by our imagination and attention.

If you can accept this perspective on Lucidity then it shouldn’t be hard to see how the mechanism of Narrative can also be turned on its head, which is what “The Avatar Approach” is all about. In short, I developed what could best be described as a role-player for use in my Lucid realms; a technique that I ultimately chose to discard, but one I feel has great merit, limited and possibly dangerous as it may be. As I mentioned, for approximately the first ten years after my Lucidity “kicked in”, I was entering these highly-charged states nearly every night, often for hours on end and I eventually found myself struggling with all the many possibilities Lucid Dreaming offered. The problem I was encountering was that my daily Narrative of “How the World Works” began infringing into my Lucidity, where the rules don’t – or shouldn’t – apply.

It seemed the longer I moved back and forth between the “real” world and the “dream” world, the more the “laws” of my daily life impaired my ability to, say, walk through walls, run on top of water, or fly. I first noticed signs of trouble when I would be moving around Lucid environments; through houses, over land, water, mountains, etc. In the beginning this arose as a sort of doubt, a quiet reminder in the back of my head that whispered, “But, you can’t walk on water! You can’t fly! That’s not possible.” And as time went on, I discovered it was demanding more and more of my attention to break out of that “Daily Narrative” that kept seeping through the cracks. Before long I was sinking below the surface of lakes or only able to float a few feet off the ground. Though I didn’t really understand it at the time, I essentially couldn’t keep my Narratives straight any longer. And so I developed a solution; a “work-around” that seemed obvious to me at the time, but also one many of the more experienced readers will recognize as risky at best:

I created another Narrative; one about a character who wasn’t impaired by any of these limitations. And then I became him.

That is, I literally sat down one evening with a notebook and I sketched out an entity of my own design and I imbued “him” with all the characteristics I needed in the dream realm. Basically I created a “Character Sheet” for a player in a fantasy/adventure game, but this character was designed specifically for handling the Lucid Realm like an expert. I gave him a name (“Chris”, a purposely common name), a fully-illustrated head-to-toe design (no, it doesn’t matter what kind of artist you are!), and I created an entire list of his attributes – including a simple, nuts-and-bolts “back-story” about how he operated. He had wings so he could fly, his body could act as matter or energy, he could manifest whatever he wished at the tip of his fingers and he could enter any realm possible with perfect clarity and attention. “Chris” was a character who didn’t move between the “real” and the “dream” world like I did; therefore, one who, ideally, didn’t suffer from my confusion with double Narratives. What “The Avatar Approach” boils down to is using this power of Narrative as a “stepping stone” to free ourselves from the most powerful Narratives that have been wired and drilled into us since birth.

Once I familiarized myself with all of my avatar’s details, putting him to use was quite simple. And the results were shocking. In fact, I was blown away with how incredibly powerful and reliable this technique turned out to be! Whenever I found myself “struggling” with performing some feat in the Lucid world, I simply hollered aloud, “I am Chris!”. Immediately I would “shapeshift” into this winged entity. Yes, I could literally see and feel enormous wings stretching out from my shoulder blades; it was nothing short of euphoric. My attention, my abilities and the overall intensity of my environment would instantly multiply. I would even feel different.

The technique was extremely effective, yes, and I believe newcomers and advanced users alike could make use of such a tactic. My own experimentation, however, was born of ignorance. I didn’t really know what I was doing; I didn’t fully comprehend the sort of fire I was playing with yet. Today, thirty years later I know that the ultimate goal of Lucid Dreaming should be to master our own relationship with Narrative, not to throw that responsibility onto a fictional identity, even one of our own design. As any book or movie-lover will tell you, we humans can find ourselves strangely bound to even fictional characters in ways that make us question, “What’s real?”. At the time, I was fully aware that all of Chris’s powers came from me, but it still made it somehow easier to “contain” all that power and make all the confusion of “mixed narratives” less chaotic. The use of an avatar in that realm was simply a mechanism to organize chaos. Afterall, isn’t that essentially what storylines are, anyway? A way to sort and edit billions upon billions of pieces of information into a linear model?

Does this “Avatar Approach” hold incredible possibility? Absolutely. But lacking the proper perspective into what I was doing, “Chris” soon became a crutch, and then an addiction – and then it spiraled out of control. At the time I suppose I had assumed that calling this character a common, ordinary name like “Chris” might keep this “alter ego” from getting away from me. I didn’t want to name him, “Ra, God of Light”, for example, and find myself with a genie on my hands that refused to go back in the bottle. Unfortunately, that’s essentially what happened after about a year of using this avatar. I discovered that any Narrative that we pull into the Dream realm and consciously add attention to will eventually take on a sort of life of its own – that is IF we aren’t fully aware of the dynamics we are playing with.

As many of you know, even the most simplistic, trivial notions and assumptions can have incredible impact in the Lucid realm. It’s as if the full potential of anything and everything in those states of awareness is cranked to Full Blast. At first, Chris was an excellent tool, but instead of learning how to control my own relationship to Narrative, I was becoming dependent on this avatar I had rerouted all of my power into. Furthermore, I eventually started questioning if this avatar of mine had developed its own intentions, somehow independent of my own. Was such a thing possible? Logically I’d have to say, “No.”, but I also had to admit that when it came right down to it, I just didn’t know. At one point along my journey I also had to accept that Lucid Dreaming could indeed act as a doorway to reach Out of Body experiences: Something else that “logically” shouldn’t be possible. So I also had to learn to take all the dictates of “logic” and “common sense” with a grain of salt when it came to those realms.

Eventually I decided the best thing for my development was to consciously drop this avatar of mine altogether. The next Lucid state I found myself in I quietly thanked this Chris for the lesson it imparted and I released its “energy” back into the Void from which it came. “I am NOT Chris”, were my final words on the issue.

As one, final note for thought: When I released “Chris”, I noticed that it didn’t dissipate as much as he “detached” and flew away from me into obscurity. I couldn’t help but feel I had given life to something that was still out there somewhere today, doing god-knows-what. I don’t like to dramatize over the idea, but I admit it manages to sends mild shivers down my spine now and again. Do with this information what you will – just please act responsibly with it and always remember that YOU are the source. And, in the end, isn’t it possible our physical bodies are also just avatars for our true identities?

Jan Jaydid is a fine artist, public speaker and author of, “Tripping the Field”, a fictional adventure inspired by his Lucidity, Astral Projection and Shamanic practices. You can find his current projects at Iboga Moon Productions:

HOME | Iboga Moon Productions
Novels, fine art and cartoons by Ian Jaydid

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The Relation Of Metacognition And Lucid Dreams; And The Possible Treatment Approaches That Come With It Tue, 16 Jan 2018 17:33:55 +0000 “Metacognition is “cognition about cognition”, “thinking about thinking“, “knowing about knowing”, becoming “aware of one’s awareness” and higher-order thinking skills.” – Wikipedia – “Could we one day heal the mind by taking control of our dreams?… …Brain regions involved in meta-cognition are among the most activated in lucid dreaming… …In principle, lucid[...]

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“Metacognition is “cognition about cognition”, “thinking about thinking“, “knowing about knowing”, becoming “aware of one’s awareness” and higher-order thinking skills.” – Wikipedia –

“Could we one day heal the mind by taking control of our dreams?…

Brain regions involved in meta-cognition are among the most activated in lucid dreaming…

…In principle, lucid dreaming may be a powerful tool for promoting insight and emotional change, as one gains moment-by-moment conscious access to the workings of the mind – including suppressed feelings. This may even offer a way to work with issues such as addiction, just as a hypnotherapist may approach a nicotine addiction by suggesting a conscious intent to the subconscious mind…” – July 14, 2016 – Adhip Rawal – Lecturer In Psychology, University of Sussex –

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Have You Ever Asked Your Lucid Dream ‘Self’ Questions And Gotten Answers? Tue, 05 Dec 2017 04:32:46 +0000 “…Did you know that, when lucid dreaming, you can make contact with another lucid self…? …It often appears wise and all-knowing, offering helpful insights into waking life problems or whatever question is posed by the lucid dreamer…” – World of Lucid Dreaming –  Rebecca Turner Click here to read Rebecca Turner’s[...]

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“…Did you know that, when lucid dreaming, you can make contact with another lucid self…?

…It often appears wise and all-knowing, offering helpful insights into waking life problems or whatever question is posed by the lucid dreamer…” – World of Lucid Dreaming –  Rebecca Turner

Click here to read Rebecca Turner’s article on how to communicate with your lucid self, 10 questions to ask, and much more:

Related Post(s):

Have You Ever Communicated With An ‘Unseen’ Awareness Level (Or Your Subconsciousness?!?) While Lucid?





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WHY Can The Subconscious Mind In A Non-Lucid Dream Not Relate More Directly To What We Experienced In The Waking Physical Reality? Sun, 03 Dec 2017 00:33:07 +0000 WHY can the subconscious mind in a non-lucid dream not relate more directly to what we experienced in the waking physical reality?   Why does it not recall ‘exactly’ what it experienced, but instead creates a similar situation or symbol to ‘relive’ the real life experience?  What parts of the brain[...]

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WHY can the subconscious mind in a non-lucid dream not relate more directly to what we experienced in the waking physical reality?   Why does it not recall ‘exactly’ what it experienced, but instead creates a similar situation or symbol to ‘relive’ the real life experience?  What parts of the brain are inhibited to work together during a non-lucid dream?

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The Various States of Lucidity Sun, 03 Dec 2017 00:14:05 +0000 The various states of lucidity… “The Lucidity Continuum – by E. W. Kellogg III, Ph.D. © 1994… ORDINARY WAKING …In waking physical reality (WPR), I usually have my identity focus and “center of gravity” in the thinking levels; e.g. feelings happen to me, and I have little direct conscious control[...]

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The various states of lucidity…

“The Lucidity Continuum – by E. W. Kellogg III, Ph.D.
© 1994…

…In waking physical reality (WPR), I usually have my identity focus and “center of gravity” in the thinking levels; e.g. feelings happen to me, and I have little direct conscious control over them…

…In dream reality (DR), my center of gravity shifts to the feeling level. In ordinary dreaming I have very limited use of my thinking aspect…


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What’s Your Level Of Control In Your Lucid Dreams? Tue, 28 Nov 2017 19:03:15 +0000 What’s Your Level Of Control In Your Lucid Dreams? In your most intense lucid dreams, what percentage of the scenery and perceptions do you think are consciously controlled by you, and what percentage do you think comes from your subconscious mind (uncontrolled)?

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What’s Your Level Of Control In Your Lucid Dreams?

In your most intense lucid dreams, what percentage of the scenery and perceptions do you think are consciously controlled by you, and what percentage do you think comes from your subconscious mind (uncontrolled)?

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Lucid Dream Therapy in Psychiatry Tue, 28 Nov 2017 18:46:03 +0000 “New Links Between Lucid Dreaming And Psychosis Could Revive Dream Therapy In Psychiatry” “…Similarities in brain activity during lucid dreaming and psychosis suggest that the previously discredited technique of dream therapy may be useful in psychiatric treatment, according to a European Science Foundation workgroup. People suffering from nightmares can sometimes[...]

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“New Links Between Lucid Dreaming And Psychosis Could Revive Dream Therapy In Psychiatry”

“…Similarities in brain activity during lucid dreaming and psychosis suggest that the previously discredited technique of dream therapy may be useful in psychiatric treatment, according to a European Science Foundation workgroup. People suffering from nightmares can sometimes be treated by training them to dream lucidly so they can consciously wake up.  – European Science Foundation. ” – ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 29 July 2009 –

Related Posts: 

Psychology and Lucid Dreaming

The Relation of Metacognition and Lucid Dreams; and the possible Treatment Approaches that come with it


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Any Thoughts on Connecting Quantum Physics, Teleportation and Lucid Dreaming? Tue, 28 Nov 2017 07:35:36 +0000 Any thoughts on connecting quantum physics, teleportation and lucid dreaming? Michio Kaku – The Metaphysics of Teleportation: Michio Kaku: The Metaphysics of Teleportation | Big Think Michio Kaku: The Metaphysics of TeleportationWatch the newest video from Big Think: Big Think… YouTube

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Any thoughts on connecting quantum physics, teleportation and lucid dreaming?

Michio Kaku – The Metaphysics of Teleportation:

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Lucid Dreaming Upside Down – Bringing your Night Dream World into Day Dreaming Mon, 27 Nov 2017 18:24:59 +0000 Lucid Dreaming Upside Down – Bringing your night dream world into your day dreaming  “Lucid Dreaming, Lucid Waking, Lucid Being…”  -A workshop to explore methods for developing enhanced Lucid Beingness in both waking and dreaming states – presented at IASD’s Tenth PsiberDreaming Conference, September 25 – October 9, 2011 “A “lucid waker”[...]

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Lucid Dreaming Upside Down – Bringing your night dream world into your day dreaming 

“Lucid Dreaming, Lucid Waking, Lucid Being…”  -A workshop to explore methods for developing enhanced Lucid Beingness in both waking and dreaming states – presented at IASD’s Tenth PsiberDreaming Conference, September 25 – October 9, 2011

“A “lucid waker” will experience both the physical and dreaming worlds
simultaneously to some degree…”

“…In lucid dreaming the waking self, dormant during ordinary dreaming, becomes activated and integrated with the dreaming self. In a similar way, in lucid waking, the dreaming self becomes activated and integrated with the waking self in waking life, making available an enhanced sense of Beingness, as well as abilities not available to the waking self normally…..A “lucid waker” will experience both the physical and dreaming worlds simultaneously to some degree.” – by Ed Kellogg, Ph.D….” –


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How do you relate your Lucid Dreams to Spirituality and/or Religion? Sun, 26 Nov 2017 20:28:41 +0000 How do you relate your lucid dreams to spirituality and/or religion? What do you think of Persinger’s arguments? The following are excerpts from Wikipedia relating to Michael Persinger and his experiment with the God Helmet. “…Michael A. Persinger (born June 26, 1945) is a physical neuroscientist and natural philosopher…[...]

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How do you relate your lucid dreams to spirituality and/or religion?

What do you think of Persinger’s arguments?

The following are excerpts from Wikipedia relating to Michael Persinger and his experiment with the God Helmet.

“…Michael A. Persinger (born June 26, 1945) is a physical neuroscientist and natural philosopher… He has argued that all phenomena including consciousness, spiritual experiences, and “paranormal events” can be explained by universal physical mechanisms… Persinger has argued that quantitative differences in energy, rather than qualitative distinctions, are responsible for the apparent mind-body duality…

…Most of Persinger’s published articles involved with consciousness have focused upon the persistence of experiences reported by individuals who display complex partial epilepsy within the normal population of people who were creative, subject to frequent paranormal experiences or who had sustained a mild impact of mechanical energy to the cerebrum. One of his notable experiments over about three decades involved a helmet (“the God Helmet”) whereby weak physiologically patterned magnetic fields were applied across the temporal lobes of hundreds of volunteers. The research received wide media coverage[34][35][36] with high-profile visitors to Persinger’s laboratory including Susan Blackmore and Richard Dawkins reporting positive[37] and negative[38] results respectively.

Experiences often associated with mystical reports such as out-of-body-experiences, intrusive thoughts, and the sensed presence were reported by hundreds of volunteers over decades of studying the phenomenon which were not associated with the subjects’ suggestibility.[39][40] Subsequent theory and quantitative electroencephalographic measurements supported the contention that the sensed presence of a “sentient being” could be a normal brain-based prototype for god experiences or related mystical phenomena and was actually the left hemispheric awareness of the right hemispheric equivalent to the left hemispheric sense of self…

…Quantum biophysics[edit] –

Persinger suggested that ultraweak photon emissions (picoWatt per meter squared) could serve as a medium through which local and non-local space could be connected.[53] Power densities of spontaneous background photon emissions indicated potential solutions for Lorentz contractions and galactic sources that define the properties of space-time.[54…”

“…Anecdotal reports by journalists,[6] academics[7][8] and documentarists[9] have been mixed and several effects reported by Persinger have not yet been independently replicated…” … – Wikipedia –

Related Post(s):

Have you ever met a Spiritual Entity such as God, an Angel, etc. in your Lucid Dream?


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How Do Lucid Dreams Of Blind People Differ? Sun, 26 Nov 2017 19:42:22 +0000 How do lucid dreams of blind people differ? What techniques could they apply? What kind of studies and research should be done in the field of lucid dreaming for blind people? “…four of the seven congenitally blind subjects who were totally blind had no indications of visual imagery in their[...]

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How do lucid dreams of blind people differ? What techniques could they apply? What kind of studies and research should be done in the field of lucid dreaming for blind people?

“…four of the seven congenitally blind subjects who were totally blind had no indications of visual imagery in their dream reports..” –

Do blind people lucid dream?

The Dreams of Blind Men and Women: A Replication and Extension of Previous Findings –

What do blind people dream of? – Team LucidDream – Published on Sep 28, 2016 –

“Do the Blind Literally “See ” in Their Dreams?… – Nancy H. Kerr, Oglethorpe University, G. William Domhof, University of California, Santa Cruz –

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Measuring Hallucinatory States During Different Sleep Phases Sun, 26 Nov 2017 17:17:40 +0000 “A New Measure of Hallucinatory States and a Discussion of REM Sleep Dreaming as a Virtual Laboratory for the Rehearsal of Embodied Cognition” “The current study proposes a new, tighter measure of these hallucinatory states: Sleep onset, REM sleep, and non-REM sleep are shown to differ with regard to (a)[...]

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“A New Measure of Hallucinatory States and a Discussion of REM Sleep Dreaming as a Virtual Laboratory for the Rehearsal of Embodied Cognition”

“The current study proposes a new, tighter measure of these hallucinatory states: Sleep onset, REM sleep, and non-REM sleep are shown to differ with regard to (a) motor imagery indicating interactions with a rich imaginative world, and (b) cognitive agency that could enable sleepers to recognize their hallucinatory state.”

“The present results support earlier physiological and psychological evidence in revealing a decline in cognitive functions and an increase in simulated interactions with a hallucinatory world, en route to normal REM sleep.”

– Clemens Speth, Jana Speth, Cognitive Science 2017 June 6 –

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Prolonged Motor Actions in Lucid Dreams Sun, 26 Nov 2017 10:05:48 +0000 Prolonged Motor Actions in Lucid Dreams “Time for Actions in Lucid Dreams: Effects of Task Modality, Length, and Complexity” “The relationship between time in dreams and real time has intrigued scientists for centuries.” “In summary, the present study confirms the findings of Erlacher and Schredl (2004) that motor actions lead[...]

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Prolonged Motor Actions in Lucid Dreams

“Time for Actions in Lucid Dreams: Effects of Task Modality, Length, and Complexity”

“The relationship between time in dreams and real time has intrigued scientists for centuries.”

“In summary, the present study confirms the findings of Erlacher and Schredl (2004) that motor actions lead to prolonged durations in lucid dreams. The findings for the durations of cognitive actions (without motor activity) are as yet inconclusive…Prolonged durations might be related to the lack of muscular feedback or slower neural processing during REM sleep. .” – By Daniel Erlacher, Melanie Schädlich, Tadas  Stumbrys and Michael Schredl


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Lucid Dream Technology Sun, 26 Nov 2017 09:11:38 +0000 “Lucid-Dream Machines” “Aside from being able to peer into the digital dreams of machines, other developments in computer technology and neuroscience are allowing us to recreate images directly from patterns of electrical activity in the visual cortex of our brains, thereby opening up the possibility that we can record videos[...]

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“Lucid-Dream Machines”

“Aside from being able to peer into the digital dreams of machines, other developments in computer technology and neuroscience are allowing us to recreate images directly from patterns of electrical activity in the visual cortex of our brains, thereby opening up the possibility that we can record videos of our dreams to view later when we’re awake, and then share with others.” – Reality Sandwich – Excerpt from Dreaming Wide Awake by David Jay Brown –


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REM Sleep and the Rehearsal of Embodied Cognition Sat, 25 Nov 2017 21:22:42 +0000 “A New Measure of Hallucinatory States and a Discussion of REM Sleep Dreaming as a Virtual Laboratory for the Rehearsal of Embodied Cognition” “This leads us to introduce the hypothesis that REM sleep, which exhibits remarkably high levels of (simulated) sensorimotor processes, may have evolved to serve as a virtual[...]

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“A New Measure of Hallucinatory States and a Discussion of REM Sleep Dreaming as a Virtual Laboratory for the Rehearsal of Embodied Cognition”

“This leads us to introduce the hypothesis that REM sleep, which exhibits remarkably high levels of (simulated) sensorimotor processes, may have evolved to serve as a virtual laboratory for the development and rehearsal of embodied cognition.” – Clemens Speth, Jana Speth, Cognitive Science 2017 June 6 –

“Embodied cognition is the theory that many features of cognition, whether human or otherwise, are shaped by aspects of the entire body of the organism. The features of cognition include high level mental constructs (such as concepts and categories) and performance on various cognitive tasks (such as reasoning or judgment). The aspects of the body include the motor system, the perceptual system, bodily interactions with the environment (situatedness) and the assumptions about the world that are built into the structure of the organism.” -Wikipedia –

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Lucid Dreaming and Levels of Creativity Sat, 25 Nov 2017 21:04:50 +0000 “Relationship between lucid dreaming, creativity, and dream characteristics” “The results show that lucid dreamers scored higher on the creative personality scale of the Adjective Checklist and reported a higher DRF than non-lucid dreamers. As to the dream structure, lucid dreamers were more likely to incorporate daytime events into their dreams,[...]

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“Relationship between lucid dreaming, creativity, and dream characteristics”

“The results show that lucid dreamers scored higher on the creative personality scale of the Adjective Checklist and reported a higher DRF than non-lucid dreamers. As to the dream structure, lucid dreamers were more likely to incorporate daytime events into their dreams, and their dreams had a higher personal significance than those of non-lucid dreamers.” – International Journal of Dream Research Volume 6, No. 2 (2013) By Nicolas Zink & Reinhard Pietrowsky –

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Lucid Dreaming Upside Down – Bringing your Night Dream World into Day Dreaming

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False Awakenings in Lucid Dreams Sat, 25 Nov 2017 20:39:58 +0000 How to prevent False Awakenings –  By Ryan Hurd – Dream Studies Portal – “False Awakening A false awakening may occur following a dream or following a lucid dream (one in which the dreamer has been aware of dreaming). Particularly, if the false awakening follows a lucid dream, the false awakening may[...]

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How to prevent False Awakenings –  By Ryan Hurd – Dream Studies Portal –

“False Awakening

A false awakening may occur following a dream or following a lucid dream (one in which the dreamer has been aware of dreaming). Particularly, if the false awakening follows a lucid dream, the false awakening may turn into a “pre-lucid dream“,[1] that is, one in which the dreamer may start to wonder if they are really awake and may or may not come to the correct conclusion. In a study by Harvard psychologist Deirdre Barrett, 2,000 dreams from 200 subjects were examined and it was found that false awakenings and lucidity were significantly more likely to occur within the same dream or within different dreams of the same night. False awakenings often preceded lucidity as a cue, but they could also follow the realization of lucidity, often losing it in the process…- Wikipedia – 

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TheRaRaRabbit – A Youtube Channel – Maxwell Hunter Fri, 24 Nov 2017 20:06:20 +0000 TheRaRaRabbit – by Maxwell Hunter – A great YouTube channel for lucid dreamers.  I find it special because you firsthand experience Max’s personal account of a life with lucid dreaming. A lot to learn from him and an excellent source for understanding lucid dreaming and all aspects related to it. His[...]

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TheRaRaRabbitby Maxwell Hunter – A great YouTube channel for lucid dreamers.  I find it special because you firsthand experience Max’s personal account of a life with lucid dreaming. A lot to learn from him and an excellent source for understanding lucid dreaming and all aspects related to it. His artistic abilities are certainly enriching the meaning of his videos and make watching them ever so interesting.


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“Lucid Dreaming for Mental Health” – By Maxwell Hunter, TheRaRaRabbit- Psychology

Psychology and Lucid Dreaming


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