Personality Traits Archives » LUCID DREAM RESEARCH This is a network for lucid dreamers and scientists to share research information and lucid dream experiences, connect for future studies, and expand the knowledge of the lucid dream phenomenon. Wed, 29 Dec 2021 13:14:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 194839300 Personality Traits Of Lucid Dreamers Wed, 06 Oct 2021 16:50:52 +0000 Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – modified by addition of pictures – Shafiei, B. (2019). Big five personality traits and dream recall frequency in spontaneous vs. self-trained lucid dreamers, 12(2), 8–13 –  “Big Five Personality Traits And Dream Recall Frequency In[...]

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Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – modified by addition of pictures – Shafiei, B. (2019). Big five personality traits and dream recall frequency in spontaneous vs. self-trained lucid dreamers, 12(2), 8–13 – 

“Big Five Personality Traits And Dream Recall Frequency In Spontaneous Vs. Self-Trained Lucid Dreamers”

Bita Shafiei – Department of Psychology, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran – IJoDR

“Acknowledgements – The author would like to thank Michael Schredl for his help with preparing the manuscript.”


“…lucid dream frequency is moderately associated with lucid dream controlling

…After the age of 25, a spontaneous onset of lucid dreaming appears to be very infrequent

Trained lucid dreamers had shorter lucid dreams but were more likely to take an active role in the development of the lucid dream plot and more likely to try some waking intentions in their lucid dreams, in comparison with spontaneous lucid dreamers (Stumbrys et al., 2014)…

…Internal locus of control…and need for cognition…were found to be correlated with lucid dreaming

…However, Wolpin, Marston, Randolph, and Clothier (1992) had not succeeded in discovering the relationship between internal locus of control and lucid dreaming frequency

…Schredl and Erlacher (2004) found small but significant correlation between fantasy and ideas, two facets of openness to experience, and lucid dream frequency. Moreover, in Schredl and Noveski’s (2017) research performed on students, regardless of the negative association between lucid dream frequency and agreeableness, they also pointed out a negative correlation between lucid dream frequency and neuroticism which was considered as a new outcome…

…there was a significant relationship between lucid dreaming and the openness to experience factor. Furthermore, lucid dreaming seemed to be related to the Big Five conscientiousness factor. Additionally, an online survey conducted by Hess, Schredl, & Goritz, (2016) proposed that openness to experience was positively correlated with lucid dreaming frequency, whereas the correlation was negative for agreeableness

hypnotic suggestibility…thin boundaries…creativity…and absorption…were found to be related to lucid dreaming frequency

…In addition, many researches indicated a significant relationship between lucid dream frequency and dream recall

…As it seems the more people recall their dreams the more chance they have to recall their lucid dreams or in another direction, the more people are familiar with their dreams (i.e. able to better recall them), the more they are likely to recognize them while dreaming

openness to experience and extra version were found to be positively correlated with lucid dreaming frequency, while the correlations were negative for agreeableness and neuroticism

…Some factors such as gender, extraversion, openness to experiences, agreeableness, and dream recall frequency correlate with lucid dreaming frequency among self-trained lucid dreamers. However, only dream recall frequency is in association with lucid dreaming frequency in spontaneous lucid dreamers

…In addition, the difference between spontaneous and self-trained lucid dreamers regard to lucid dreaming frequency is a considerable finding. Analysis indicated that self-trained lucid dreamers experience lucid dreams more frequently in comparison with spontaneous ones. Lastly, by considering the percentages, self-trained lucid dreamers have the ability of controlling their lucid dreams and take an active role more than the spontaneous group

…Methodologically, the sample was elicited via a lucid dreaming website, which makes the result biased due to the more interested participants in taking part in this study

…Based on our finding, there was no gender difference among spontaneous lucid dreamers. However, men seemed more interested in eliciting lucid dreams through training

…As a result, people who were characterized as extraverted are more likely to experience lucid dreaming. Extraversion is defined as being assertive, active, positive, energetic, and talkativeExtraverted lucid dreamers, by considering those definitions, are willing to talk about their experiences with others which in this case talking about dreams brings about more dream recall…and consequently more lucid dreams

…Earlier studies demonstrated a positive correlation between openness to experience and lucid dreaming frequency

…People who score high in this dimension are recognized as creative, imaginary, curious and unconventional. Those with low level are conventional and like the feeling of familiarity…

Negative correlation between agreeableness and lucid dreaming frequency was another finding…

People with low level of agreeableness are identified as antagonistic, cold and disagreeable (Robbins et al, 2013). Lucid dreamers are more likely to be focused on fulfilling their own needs, and less likely to reflect on the needs of others; they might thus be less agreeable in waking life (Hess et al, 2016)…

…As percentages showed self-trained lucid dreamers appeared to be more active in their lucid dreams

trained lucid dreamers were more likely to take an active role rather than a passive role in the development of the dream plot

…In summary, self-trained lucid dreamers tend to experience lucid dreams more frequent than spontaneous lucid dreamers. Also, openness to experience and agreeableness were negatively correlated with lucid dreaming frequency whereas the correlations were positive between extraversion and dream recall frequency among self-trained lucid dreamers. However, dream recall frequency was the only predictor for lucid dreaming frequency among spontaneous lucid dreamers. Gender had an impact on lucid dreaming frequency only in the group of self-trained lucid dreamers…

…At last, it was demonstrated that self-trained lucid dreamers were more likely to take an active role in their lucid dream

Future studies should explore more about the possible differences between self-trained and spontaneous lucid dreamers. It would be also interesting to know what methods were utilized for inducing lucid dreams by self-trained lucid dreamers. Due to the reason that nightmare frequency is correlated with lucid dreaming frequency (Glicksohn, 1989; Hess et al, 2016; Schredl & Erlacher, 2004; Spadafora & Hunt, 1990; Stepansky et al., 1998) and the difference is still not investigated between the two groups of spontaneous and self-trained lucid dreamers, it can be considered as a good idea to fill this gap.” – Bita Shafiei –

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