Lucid Dream Experience Archives » LUCID DREAM RESEARCH This is a network for lucid dreamers and scientists to share research information and lucid dream experiences, connect for future studies, and expand the knowledge of the lucid dream phenomenon. Wed, 10 Aug 2022 17:23:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 194839300 High Functioning Autism and Lucid Dreaming – By Ian Jaydid Tue, 05 May 2020 12:41:16 +0000 I wasn’t tested for autism until I was already working in the field of mental health for several years as a case-manager for clients with autism and other similar conditions. One might wonder how I didn’t figure out my own diagnosis after studying and working directly with these traits for[...]

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I wasn’t tested for autism until I was already working in the field of mental health for several years as a case-manager for clients with autism and other similar conditions. One might wonder how I didn’t figure out my own diagnosis after studying and working directly with these traits for years. My ability to adapt to my particular style of processing was so high, it just didn’t seriously occur to me. Sure, I always felt a bit like the “outsider”, the way most people behaved was a mystery to me since I was a child and if you asked my mother what I was like growing up she’ll say I was a rather quiet, unemotional kid who didn’t even go through the typical “Terrible Twos” stage.

From my perspective, however, I was brimming over with emotions. I felt sadness, fear, joy and inspiration like anyone else, but it never occurred to me that I should be sharing those emotions randomly with others, even if they didn’t ask – which, for many autistics, is often how “normal” people seem to behave. For me, it was easy to set my diagnosis aside and focus on my work, my hobbies, my life. But now that I’ve been writing and publicly speaking about my lucid dreaming experiences over the years, these quiet traits of mine have been pulled back into the light. A number of other high functioning autistics in the public eye, after reading my work or listening to my interviews on radio and podcast shows, have approached me with a, “You DO realize you’re also autistic, right?”.

This prompted me to reevaluate just what my particular processing of information, emotions and my sense of self had to do with the lucid dreaming and astral projection I’d dealt with since I was a child. After years of integrating all of this information I’ve come to believe that higher functioning autistics make for natural lucid dreamers, they just might not realize it. But we need to take a step back first before this will make much sense.

What exactly autism is can be hard to nail down – it’s why we generally refer to it as a “spectrum” of traits rather than a hard and fast description. Given that, I can only speak for myself and how my experience of these qualities affects my consciousness, and thus my lucid dreaming. But I suspect many of you who aren’t on the spectrum are going to relate. To begin with, it all comes down to how we each develop a unique relationship with symbolism.

My second book, “Migration” (currently in the final stages of editing)   focuses on our species’ insanely fast transition from the trees to an online world, and what we’ve missed along the way. Today, our species is processing greater amounts of symbolism from outside sources than any of our ancestors likely ever dreamed possible. In a way, we’ve been put to sleep by this heavy stream of information, of media and narratives; we’ve become entranced by it in ways that aren’t so obvious.

I want you all to pause for a moment and think about what exactly popped into your head when you thought about that notion of symbolism. What does it mean to have a relationship with symbolism? Do you perhaps picture hieroglyphs from some forgotten culture or abstract images or sounds that convey some vague, mysterious meaning? If so, THAT is the very disconnect I want to bring to our attention.

Our bodies weren’t naturally wired for these digital, symbolic worlds playing out on our screens, so we are often blindsided by the massive amounts of ‘information representing something else’ that we process today. Even when we read studies that prove, time and again, that about 75% of all of our emails and texts are misinterpreted on some level by others, it goes in one ear and out the other. We forget that applies to our emails and communications too! Why? For most, symbolism is something “another culture”, or someone else deals with, but not us! No, we like to imagine we deal with information directly, without a “middle man”, so to speak. But as an autistic, I’m always aware of how highly subjective and personal all of communication is.

In my case, I tend to translate symbolism without adding in my own personal feelings and narratives. One of the reasons I love other autistics is that they tend to be some of the most direct, honest people without a lot of hidden agendas behind their words; something that often confuses others. For example, someone says to me, “You know, by the end of April 2020, there were just over 58,000 reported deaths in the US from the Coronavirus.” I hear that statement and I don’t judge it or add in my own personal feelings. It’s not that I don’t have feelings about that fact, but as far as the exchange is concerned, all I can be sure of was what was actually shared with me: “By the end of April 2020, there were just over 58,000 reported deaths in the US from the Coronavirus”.

But someone else hears this and their entire personality, their ego and their emotions become entangled in what was said to them and they translate it quite differently: “Well, that sure is some negative information” they might say or, “That information upsets me, so I don’t think it’s true.” Some may even take it to the level where they say, “Not only do I feel you’re being negative, I feel you’re trying to spread fear and I don’t appreciate that.” And suddenly there’s drama and confusion because someone stated a fact.

These are the sort of responses to information that autistic people generally don’t comprehend. Now, personally, I can comprehend it, but I just don’t personally relate to this manner of handling communication, so I experience a sort of “distance” from it all. We autistics often wonder at “normal” people who add random emotions into conversations, and then often pretend that they didn’t (honestly, it can seem like a disability to us). From my perspective, this muddies communication – which I’m always well aware is extremely complicated enough. Oh, how I long for the days when our journalists were bound by an oath to only relate the facts in a dispassionate, neutral manner and let us figure out how we should feel about them. We’ve become so addicted to being entertained by everything, we expect even our facts and news to be stimulating as well. This is often why I say: The World could really benefit from a little more autism right now.

It should be noted that here’s where autism is so often misunderstood. Because I don’t constantly add in my own feelings into what I relate to people nor mix them into what someone shared with me, it’s often assumed that autistics do not have feelings at all! This is a short-sighted assumption. I feel as deeply and as passionately about things as anyone else can. That information about the virus you just handed to me may very much personally upset me, but I have no reason to think the person who mentioned it intended that information to be negative. So, I treat it as such. And unless I have reason to think this exchange needs to get emotional, I’ll probably just not share my emotions about it with you. It does not mean I don’t have any.

I love what Spock’s father, Sarek, said in the 2009 Star Trek film – and of course anyone on the spectrum knows that the Vulcans are basically a race of high functioning autistics! After Spock has engaged in a grand display of emotion, his father tries to console him. “Emotions run deep within our race.”, he reminds his son. “In many ways more deeply than in humans. Logic offers a serenity humans seldom experience. The control of feelings so that they do not control you.” It’s a beautiful quote that helps explain who Spock really is. He’s not some cold, calculating computer. He feels emotions deeply, he just isn’t throwing them onto everyone like a raging toddler.

Now – What does any of this have to do with LUCID DREAMING? How does this “distance” I experience between my identify, my ego and symbolism play into “waking up” to the reality my dream world manufactures?

Try to appreciate what this experience of symbolism means for me: I approach the mind from a far more impersonal level than most others appear to. I can sort of “stand back” from it and not be personally wrapped up in it to the point where I can’t see where my emotions end and my thinking begins, or who I am within all of it. Therefore, it is far easier for me not to be mesmerized by language, by movies or stories of any kind. Instead of being totally lost in the woods, this distance allows me to float above the trees.

My relationship with Narratives in general tends to be far more removed than what the majority out there seems to experience. I’m not at its mercy. Of course, the nature of this “distance” is where the level of functioning comes strongly into play with autistics. That perceived space can make things very, very difficult for you – or you are able to use it to your supreme advantage. It depends on the size of that gap between the ego and the mind, you might say.

From my vantage point, this means I’ve always been able to stand back – even when I was a child – and see all narratives for what they really were: Highly edited versions of reality that can never, ever, NOT WITH A BILLION WORDS truly contain reality. If you and I run across a wolf in “the wild”, we will share a very direct, non-abstract experience of that encounter. But later, what happened to us will never be fully contained by a narrative. Our tale of meeting the wolf, the picture you snapped of it, even the video I took of it – none of that symbolism will or ever could contain our direct experience of it. In other words, no matter what we do, nothing we transfer to others will leave them with the same impression we experienced in the woods. It’s just the natural limitations of symbolism.

Now consider: Our thinking minds operate on symbolism – all the time. When you can really appreciate this, you begin to “wake up” from all the Narratives and symbolism your brain is being exposed to – as well as the ones it creates.

Are you starting to glimpse how this all relates to dreams? Well, stop and think: What is a “normal” dream? Think about the last dream you remember. In essence, a dream is nothing more than an internal narrative, a story your brain has produced with symbolism. When you feel completely wrapped up in that story, you become bound to it; it possesses a sort of authority over you. You are at its mercy and your awareness is led around by it. When your mind and emotions are deeply entwined with these stories, when there is no “space”, it’s nearly impossible to step back and notice how unreal they really are!

In the end, the truth is that we are NOT our stories! We are consciousness. What we are as conscious beings could never, ever be contained by a story or a narrative. When we appreciate that truth we enjoy a natural “distance”, a glorious space that resides between all the symbolism we’re digesting and What We Truly Are. When you can see your dreams for their true nature you will begin to wake up within them. This is what Lucid Dreaming is: The ability to detach your True Self from the Narrative and realize: Oh! This isn’t real! This “space” that high functioning autistics experience from their mind can also be an opportunity to appreciate a deeper nature of reality. So I ask that you try to tap into your autistic nature and use it to awaken from your Story – whether that story is taking place at night while you sleep, or during the day!

Finally, when you wake up in your dreams, another magical thing happens: A door is suddenly made accessible to you. That door leads to an even larger possibility where your very consciousness is no longer bound to the physical body. By waking up to the truth of the stories we hold near and dear, we are truly free. Not figuratively, not symbolically: LITERALLY.

Ian Jaydid

The Lucid Dreaming – Autism Connection:

Click below for the YouTube video:

 Author of “Tripping The Field”


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The Sub-Frequency – Connecting via Lucidity with Loved Ones Who Have Passed On – By Ian Jaydid Mon, 10 Feb 2020 14:15:49 +0000 By Ian Jaydid The practice of contacting loved ones who have passed via “psychic” channels is as old as religion itself, but my aim here is to examine the core dynamics of this phenomenon in a manner anyone, from any background or philosophy should be able to make use of.[...]

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By Ian Jaydid

The practice of contacting loved ones who have passed via “psychic” channels is as old as religion itself, but my aim here is to examine the core dynamics of this phenomenon in a manner anyone, from any background or philosophy should be able to make use of. You’re welcome to view my descriptions through a religious or “supernatural” perspective, but in my experience nothing is beyond nature: All of these phenomena are perfectly natural, not “super” natural. Our sciences just need to catch up with what we can experience first-hand..

If you’re at all familiar with my talks or writings, you might know that I’m an atheist who’s been Lucid Dreaming and “Astral” Projecting for just shy of 30 years. I use a model that describes how consciousness relates to our daily world of mass, energy and, most importantly, the Narratives we cling to. It should be known that the phenomena we refer to as consciousness is not currently understood by any branch of science, so I have my own ways to describe its nature. Consciousness, from my experience, is best described as a “ground state” of all matter and energy in our cosmos; the heart of all energy fields in the cosmos. It’s also important to remember that the map is not the territory; no model, not even the best in cosmology and physics, can ever contain the entire structure it aims to describe. Make use of these descriptions, and then upgrade or discard them when they no longer serve you.

Okay! Now it’s time for a story from my past. To this day, one of the warmest souls I’ve known was Paul Miranda. Paul and I met my junior year in high school through a mutual friend, Jim, who was taking Karate classes with him. Paul was already a black-belt at the age of sixteen when we were first introduced, and never did I sense the slightest hint of arrogance about his abilities. He was as gentle as he was capable of rendering most people helpless in a matter of moments. I don’t believe in regrets, but if I was forced to choose one it would be that I allowed my busy college life to lose touch with Paul. For several years the most I heard was that he had moved to Pennsylvania, got married and had a son. Soon after graduating college I had the most unique Lucid Dream; one with a “flavor” unlike any I’d ever experienced.

After hundreds of experiences moving between Lucid states and the more “typical” dreams stirred up by the subconscious, I had grown adept at knowing when my Lucid visions were originating from my own subconscious, or from beyond my own ego-identity. All I knew for sure was the “feel” of this dream was not rightly coming from “me”.

In the vision I found myself standing on an empty subway platform, fully aware I was dreaming and detached from any notion of “storyline”. I was simply taking in the sights, wondering what this scene had in store for me when a sleek, white train emerged from the tunnel. After pulling to a full-stop, my friend Jim stepped from one of the cars in a deliberate, solemn fashion. When he approached, he handed me what appeared to be a blank greeting card – all the while I’m still trying to identify this foreign sensation beneath it all. It felt like an energy from my past somehow, but it also wasn’t a proper sense-stimulus; it offered nothing to grab ahold of.

“You need to read this,” Jim said sternly. I opened the card to find a small image accompanied by three words. The image was a blood red heart – one that literally dripped blood. A thin, wet stream trickled off the page right passed the phrase, “A Lost Friend”.   

Now, this all might sound terribly ominous and maybe even a bit unsettling, but the experience was rather “matter of fact”, not intended to frighten or console. After I awoke I still had no idea what the deeper lesson might have been. Each and every one of my hundreds, perhaps thousands of Lucid experiences offered some new insight to build from. All I sensed was that the energy beneath the vision felt slightly alien, yet deeply familiar. It wasn’t until later that evening that I got the call from another mutual friend of ours, Andy, who shared the news: Paul had died of a heart attack the previous day.

Paul. Of course.  

The “energy” in the vision was Paul. This was the missing key. Beyond what Paul looked like, sounded like, even smelled like, Paul carried a “frequency” just beneath the surface (again, my vision took place in a subway). What confused me at the time the dream was unfolding was that Paul wasn’t even mentioned. I was operating from my “Worldly Narrative” where we connect to people through our five senses.

If we move our attention to this “sub-energy” dwelling just below the surface of our Narratives, our sight, our hearing, we will have the most important key to connect with anyone, regardless if they are a thousand miles away – or deceased. This energy signature I’m pointing to, known by a hundred different names throughout a hundred different cultures, is still present in the time/space field even when the body has passed. Connecting to these “sub-energies” doesn’t require a monk, a shaman, a psychic or any other kind of “magic” person to act as an intermediary. And once we connect with this core energy, information as well as healing can be exchanged.

Today, physicists like Lawrence Krauss, author of “A Universe from Nothing”, remind us how particles (called “virtual particles”) are forever popping in and out of empty space, even within total vacuums. In particle physics there’s an hypothesis that this sea of virtual particles creates a field of energy that could eventually lead to stable, atomic structures. In other words, it is possible that the most elemental building blocks of our universe could spring from what we call “Nothingness”. For the purposes of working within this model of mine, I’m asking that you consider this very space, this “emptiness” from which the universe emerges, is what consciousness is. Consciousness is not a “thing” at all: it’s no-thing.

Below what we look like, our voice, smell, below our very name and our “story”, our core awareness is literally everywhere, it is forever and it is most certainly not divided up. From this perspective we can appreciate why there is no need to struggle at forging some “magical” connection with others. Rather, we can’t help but be connected. All the strain and effort that goes on in this realm is what appears to divide “this” from “that”, “there” from “here” and “you” from “me”. Our individuality is nothing more than a play of vibration sprouting from a vacuum. Once again, it’s hardly novel to suggest, “We ARE the nature of emptiness”, but I want to make it clear I don’t mean this as a clever metaphor; this is not your Zen Koan for the day. I literally mean, “What we are IS the experience of empty space”.

The reason for my belabored explanation above is to place you, first and foremost, in the right perspective: You’re already “doing” it, so what follows is not a new tactic as much as it’s a “stripping away” of what appears to divide us in the first place. And it’s that mind-set that most struggle with. The more you engage in meditation, Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection – literally any practice that reminds you that your consciousness already is the source, the more you will naturally begin tuning in to these “sub” energies which every “thing” carries, from people to trees to mountains. But we first have to drop our focus below the surface of sensory perception.

Okay! Now we’re ready to run through a bare-bones technique to “tap” into someone, alive or dead. This practice is all about going below the surface we’re domesticated to, so naturally you need to do this when you can pull back from as much worldly stimuli as possible. Yes, you need to turn off your phone, which is a powerful tether to our daily, “normal” world. Get away from people, noise, even lights if you can, buy ear plugs, an eye mask, or if you have the access, get into an isolation tank; whatever you can do to disconnect your biological senses from your environment. For the next few minutes allow yourself a little vacation from solving the world’s problems. Don’t worry, you can pick them all up again right after you’re done if you wish. If you’re a Lucid Dreamer or a Projector, I recommend trying this in your waking dreams for best results since the sleeping body is about as ‘shut down’ from the world as we can get it. All you need to do right now is breathe. That’s it. Let your body just “be”.

Once your body is “out of the picture”, next focus on your thinking patterns; any concerns or worries you’re wrestling with, plans you’re making, memories you’re reliving, or even stories you’re replaying about this person you’re about to connect with. Allow yourself to just watch them pass. Remember, you aren’t those thoughts, you exist below your body and your thoughts. I often imagine I am the depths of the ocean watching all the waves on the surface pass by – and I’m unaffected by any of it. See your thoughts floating by and let them pass. Even your own name is up there on the surface: It’s just another word that’s been assigned to you. Let it pass by, along with your notion of your “life’s story”. Bring your focus away from your memories and direct it totally to the moment. Remain at the perspective of your center, let the rest float on. If you find yourself caught up in one of the waves, chasing after some emotion, some “thing” you need to do, just be aware that you got distracted, come back to the depths and be happy you noticed you became distracted to begin with!

Once you feel relatively “centered” and quiet (no, you don’t have to be a Zen monk to do this) picture the person you want to reconnect with. Simply call them into your awareness. The biggest obstacle people have at this point is they allow their “inner narrative” to start making comments about this person; specifically comments like, “But, this person is 500 miles away” or “This person is angry at me” or “This person has passed”. Allow these Narratives to fall away for now.

Next what we’re essentially going to do with this person (or even animal, since some people can do this with pets) is to strip away their “layers” just as we did with our own to get to their “sub” energy. As you hold this person in your awareness, try to imagine that you have never known this person’s name; in fact, you’ve never laid eyes on them before in your life. This is the trickiest part, if there is such a thing on this level, so pay attention: Without a name and without an image, what would be left of that person? You might even imagine their physical appearance “peeling” away to reveal what’s left beneath. After all, who someone is is indeed far more than their name or what they look like. Go beneath their appearance, and even go beneath the sound of their voice. Imagine you had never heard that person speak. Below those flesh and blood attributes, how does that person feel to you? With enough practice with this, you’ll find this person you’re connecting with has a raw “frequency”; a vibration beyond all of the sights, sounds, even personality. If you’re anything like me you might find you’re left with a very new impression of their “core” energy. This might appear as a cloud, a formation of lights or maybe colors. My advice is don’t get too attached to this new, abstract representation of their energy either – and if you don’t see or sense this, it’s ultimately not important now. In fact, what you’re sensing may be so abstract your mind may not even know how to process it. What is important is that you’re in touch with their sub-frequency.

Now simply hold their energy in your awareness as long as you feel is right. If another Narrative pops up, let it pass and it will sink back into the depths again provided you don’t chase after it. Just BE with this energy. When you do this, information is being shared between you and this frequency of consciousness even if you aren’t consciously aware of it at the present moment. For some, after “being” with this sub-energy we are left with a basic emotion or “intuition” about the exchange, and it may be days or even months until our awareness is ready to “unlock” the information exchanged during this practice. For others, especially those who can bring this practice into their Lucid Dreams, the transmission is rather intense and can even be overwhelming. Yes, some can even engage in full, back and forth conversations with this individual, but it’s imperative to remain fully aware to the moment and detached from all Narratives. It all depends on the parties involved, how many unresolved emotions we’re carrying about this person and how much information even needs to be exchanged.

The truth is, sometimes those who have passed know that the best thing to transfer to those of us still bound to this world is little more than a sense of peace or resolution. As long as you maintain your focus “below” all the names, the storylines and assumptions, there is no right or wrong. Trust that if you managed to sit with their core frequency even for a couple minutes, what needed to be transferred was transferred to you. You’re welcome to return to this individual’s core-energy as much as you like, but in most cases you’ll eventually find there is no real need to continue the practice as you’ll begin to notice a deeper sense of connection with this person in general; one that permeates your daily life.

For those interested in the full details of how I see these “metaphysical” practices relating to physics, biology and cosmology I’ll direct you to my first novel, “Tripping the Field” or my previous article here entitled, “Schrodinger’s Cat is Both Dreaming and Awake”. An online article cannot hope to contain all the many other aspects and truths connected to a subject this vast, so know that this is simply a tool to point you in the right direction. The rest is absolutely up to you to explore. If you have further questions on this or any other related topic, you’re welcome to contact me at Iboga Moon Productions or any of my social media contacts. I promise I always do my best to offer a genuine, heartfelt reply.

Ian Jaydid

Jan Jaydid is a fine artist, public speaker and author of, “Tripping the Field”, a fictional adventure inspired by his Lucidity, Astral Projection and Shamanic practices. You can find his current projects at Iboga Moon Productions:

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Novels, fine art and cartoons by Ian Jaydid

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Schrödinger’s Cat is Both Dreaming and Awake: The Quantum Connections To Lucid Dreaming – By Ian Jaydid

“The Avatar Approach” by Ian Jaydid

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About Lucid Dreaming And Its Relation To Mental Health, Personality, Self-Confidence, Behavior Control… Mon, 13 Jan 2020 17:03:01 +0000 Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – Doll, E., Gittler, G., & Holzinger, B. (2009). Dreaming, Lucid Dreaming and Personality, 2(2), 52–57 – “DREAMING, LUCID DREAMING AND PERSONALITY… …Our investigation focused on the frequency of the lucid dream experience and its relationship to mental[...]

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Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – Doll, E., Gittler, G., & Holzinger, B. (2009). Dreaming, Lucid Dreaming and Personality, 2(2), 52–57 –


…Our investigation focused on the frequency of the lucid dream experience and its relationship to mental health; behavioral control…; decision behavior…; and spatial abilities… Data analysis of 89 subjects suggested that frequent lucid dreamers…differ from rare…and non-lucid dreamers… by higher scores on the scales of mental health; free of complaints; assertiveness; autonomy, and self-confidence. With regard to behavioral control, decision behavior, and spatial abilities, no significant differences were found between the three dream groups…

…Altogether, our results confirmed the relationship between lucid dreaming and trait aspects of mental health. The increased scores of frequent lucid dreamers on the mental health supported the view…that mental and also physical health are associated with lucid dreaming…

…in sum, it is conceivable that lucid dreaming influences the management of mental conflicts in a positive way and – with qualified therapeutic accompaniment – may have a favourable affect on waking life…

…However, the sample was not representative of the general population and was mainly comprised of spontaneous lucid dreamers. How a training to induce lucid dreams might affect personality and well-being remains open…

…The hypothesis that lucid dreaming interacts with control of behavior in waking life…was not supported. Obviously, behavioral control in waking life, which includes long-term planning and striving for order, includes a different aspect of control than that involved in lucid dreaming. The difference in the character of reality in dreams and in waking life may also play a role in this context. In contrast to waking life, dreams do not have continuity and are short-term occurrences, whereas the waking world offers a continuous reality of space and time where long-term planning is practicable…

…Altogether, dream recall frequency correlated with lucid dream frequency, but showed other relationships to personality traits than lucid dream frequency. This suggests that lucid dreams are a phenomenon to be distinguished from ordinary dreams…  The correlation found between a positive attitude towards dreams and general dream recall frequency agrees with the results of Schredl et al. (1996) as well as Cernovsky (1984)…”

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MIXING PSYCHOLOGY AND REALITY CHECKS – Using Awareness Of Emotions To Induce Reality Checks and Positive Thinking

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“The Avatar Approach” by Ian Jaydid Sat, 04 Jan 2020 22:59:32 +0000 We’re going to explore a technique in Lucid Dreaming I refer to as “The Avatar Approach” which I believe holds great benefit for both the beginner and the advanced. It’s also an approach I have been hesitant to discuss for many years now. Hopefully by the end of this article[...]

The post “The Avatar Approach” by Ian Jaydid appeared first on LUCID DREAM RESEARCH.

We’re going to explore a technique in Lucid Dreaming I refer to as “The Avatar Approach” which I believe holds great benefit for both the beginner and the advanced. It’s also an approach I have been hesitant to discuss for many years now. Hopefully by the end of this article my apprehension will be clear and anyone who attempts it will approach it with care and respect. The technique in and of itself is rather simple in its elegance, but to fully appreciate its full potential we need to dive into the philosophy and the mechanics behind it.

I began spontaneously entering conscious Lucidity during REM around the age of 19, just shy of thirty years ago. The impact these experiences had on my mind and worldview could not be exaggerated. It wasn’t long before I was becoming lucid nearly every night, often for hours at a stretch so I quickly grew desperate to understand what was happening to me. I had never heard of such intense states of awareness just occurring out of nowhere and the term, “Lucid Dreaming” was completely unknown to me. This was the early 90s and the internet was still in the stone-age which made finding reliable information on such an occult subject laborious and slow. It required digging through stacks of books, hoping the author had genuine, direct experience. I eventually did zero-in on several helpful resources, but I was mostly left to blaze my own path through trial and error. In retrospect, I’d have it no other way. My lack of resources forced me to enter this realm as a blank slate, free of a Narrative that dictated, “How Lucid Dreaming Works”; a quality so many seeking my advice online are lacking today.

With this in mind, I hope to offer a unique perspective on Lucidity but I also do not want to pile on yet another Narrative that might ultimately hinder personal experience. Afterall, our relationship with Narratives may be the most important factor in the game of waking up within our dream-states. Consider for a moment that ever since our species learned to speak complex languages we’ve carried on a rather bizarre connection with this function of Storyline. Upon developing an oral language, humans also developed this rather odd habit of talking to themselves incessantly. Our heads have become filled with so many, many stories: More so today than ever before, thanks to the information age. Some of those Narratives are based on truth, some built on assumptions or “second-hand information”, some we know to be pure fiction, others we aren’t so sure about. With a vast array of complexity and accuracy, we carry stories about how the world works, how our country operates and how friends and family came to be where they are today. Our brains are story-making, story-editing machines. In fact, they retain information best when it’s presented in the form of a story. We also spin an ongoing, never-ending tale about “Who We Are” and “What We’re Doing”, don’t we?

What I’m directing our attention to here is the most important story of them all: The one that is framing our world right this very moment. I’m referring to the story that you, the reader, are carrying now, about yourself. If you pause for a moment from your reading of this article you’ll realize that, as you read these words in the present moment, there is also a Narrative about “What’s Going On” that’s unique to you. That is, your reading of this article is taking place within a larger, abstract context that we generally pay very little attention to, yet also holds so many of the keys to the realms of Lucidity. From the perspective of the thinking mind, your present experience doesn’t take place within an empty vacuum in space. For example, if I asked you what your story looks like at the moment you may say something along the lines of, “I was at work earlier, then I came home and made dinner and watched some television on the couch and now I’m reading this article before I go to bed, and I have to get up early tomorrow because…etc. etc.”. And beyond that little Narrative, you carry an even larger story about Who You Are, your personality, your attributes, your history and where you imagine your life may be heading. And on. And on.

I’m not suggesting that any of those particular details of your little Narrative aren’t true, I am simply pointing to the fact that you imagine yourself operating within a storyline that moves from the past, which is gone, to a future, which hasn’t happened. And any story, no matter how accurate it may be, is always a highly condensed, extremely edited version of literally billions upon billions of other details and information. Furthermore, rarely (if ever) do we question the validity of that story we carry around. That Narrative of yours simply is what it is as far as we’re concerned. We always accept our Narrative without question about “Who We Are” and “What’s Going On” as cold, hard fact.

And THAT is why we don’t Lucid Dream.

Whether we are awake or asleep, we never stop and question the Narrative we are operating within, no matter how insane, abstract or flat-out impossible that story may be. At night we may regularly accept an abstract storyline without question that we have, say, been a soldier in an alien army on Mars for the last ten years of our life and we’re now on a mission to save the humans from extinction. Seems perfectly reasonable at the time, dreams usually do – that is, until we wake up and we compare our “Daily Narrative” against our “Dream Narrative”. Only in retrospect do we declare how ridiculous it all was. This is the dynamic that must change for us if we hope to start Waking Up.

Lucidity demands that we learn to detach from our operating Narrative – not just at night, but at any point in our life. This does not mean we have to make a judgement about the ultimate “accuracy” of the storyline we find ourselves in, it simply means we realize that what we are is NOT a Narrative. We are a consciousness that can involve itself with storylines, but we are absolutely not a story. When we realize this, we begin to “wake up”, in our dreams as well as in our daily lives. At the heart of it all, Lucid Dreaming is becoming conscious that we are greater than the storyline the mind weaves. It is a magical moment where we stop and declare, “This isn’t what I am! I am beyond this storyline!”. When this happens, we can operate above and beyond the restricted Narrative of the dream – and the possibilities from that point on are limited only by our imagination and attention.

If you can accept this perspective on Lucidity then it shouldn’t be hard to see how the mechanism of Narrative can also be turned on its head, which is what “The Avatar Approach” is all about. In short, I developed what could best be described as a role-player for use in my Lucid realms; a technique that I ultimately chose to discard, but one I feel has great merit, limited and possibly dangerous as it may be. As I mentioned, for approximately the first ten years after my Lucidity “kicked in”, I was entering these highly-charged states nearly every night, often for hours on end and I eventually found myself struggling with all the many possibilities Lucid Dreaming offered. The problem I was encountering was that my daily Narrative of “How the World Works” began infringing into my Lucidity, where the rules don’t – or shouldn’t – apply.

It seemed the longer I moved back and forth between the “real” world and the “dream” world, the more the “laws” of my daily life impaired my ability to, say, walk through walls, run on top of water, or fly. I first noticed signs of trouble when I would be moving around Lucid environments; through houses, over land, water, mountains, etc. In the beginning this arose as a sort of doubt, a quiet reminder in the back of my head that whispered, “But, you can’t walk on water! You can’t fly! That’s not possible.” And as time went on, I discovered it was demanding more and more of my attention to break out of that “Daily Narrative” that kept seeping through the cracks. Before long I was sinking below the surface of lakes or only able to float a few feet off the ground. Though I didn’t really understand it at the time, I essentially couldn’t keep my Narratives straight any longer. And so I developed a solution; a “work-around” that seemed obvious to me at the time, but also one many of the more experienced readers will recognize as risky at best:

I created another Narrative; one about a character who wasn’t impaired by any of these limitations. And then I became him.

That is, I literally sat down one evening with a notebook and I sketched out an entity of my own design and I imbued “him” with all the characteristics I needed in the dream realm. Basically I created a “Character Sheet” for a player in a fantasy/adventure game, but this character was designed specifically for handling the Lucid Realm like an expert. I gave him a name (“Chris”, a purposely common name), a fully-illustrated head-to-toe design (no, it doesn’t matter what kind of artist you are!), and I created an entire list of his attributes – including a simple, nuts-and-bolts “back-story” about how he operated. He had wings so he could fly, his body could act as matter or energy, he could manifest whatever he wished at the tip of his fingers and he could enter any realm possible with perfect clarity and attention. “Chris” was a character who didn’t move between the “real” and the “dream” world like I did; therefore, one who, ideally, didn’t suffer from my confusion with double Narratives. What “The Avatar Approach” boils down to is using this power of Narrative as a “stepping stone” to free ourselves from the most powerful Narratives that have been wired and drilled into us since birth.

Once I familiarized myself with all of my avatar’s details, putting him to use was quite simple. And the results were shocking. In fact, I was blown away with how incredibly powerful and reliable this technique turned out to be! Whenever I found myself “struggling” with performing some feat in the Lucid world, I simply hollered aloud, “I am Chris!”. Immediately I would “shapeshift” into this winged entity. Yes, I could literally see and feel enormous wings stretching out from my shoulder blades; it was nothing short of euphoric. My attention, my abilities and the overall intensity of my environment would instantly multiply. I would even feel different.

The technique was extremely effective, yes, and I believe newcomers and advanced users alike could make use of such a tactic. My own experimentation, however, was born of ignorance. I didn’t really know what I was doing; I didn’t fully comprehend the sort of fire I was playing with yet. Today, thirty years later I know that the ultimate goal of Lucid Dreaming should be to master our own relationship with Narrative, not to throw that responsibility onto a fictional identity, even one of our own design. As any book or movie-lover will tell you, we humans can find ourselves strangely bound to even fictional characters in ways that make us question, “What’s real?”. At the time, I was fully aware that all of Chris’s powers came from me, but it still made it somehow easier to “contain” all that power and make all the confusion of “mixed narratives” less chaotic. The use of an avatar in that realm was simply a mechanism to organize chaos. Afterall, isn’t that essentially what storylines are, anyway? A way to sort and edit billions upon billions of pieces of information into a linear model?

Does this “Avatar Approach” hold incredible possibility? Absolutely. But lacking the proper perspective into what I was doing, “Chris” soon became a crutch, and then an addiction – and then it spiraled out of control. At the time I suppose I had assumed that calling this character a common, ordinary name like “Chris” might keep this “alter ego” from getting away from me. I didn’t want to name him, “Ra, God of Light”, for example, and find myself with a genie on my hands that refused to go back in the bottle. Unfortunately, that’s essentially what happened after about a year of using this avatar. I discovered that any Narrative that we pull into the Dream realm and consciously add attention to will eventually take on a sort of life of its own – that is IF we aren’t fully aware of the dynamics we are playing with.

As many of you know, even the most simplistic, trivial notions and assumptions can have incredible impact in the Lucid realm. It’s as if the full potential of anything and everything in those states of awareness is cranked to Full Blast. At first, Chris was an excellent tool, but instead of learning how to control my own relationship to Narrative, I was becoming dependent on this avatar I had rerouted all of my power into. Furthermore, I eventually started questioning if this avatar of mine had developed its own intentions, somehow independent of my own. Was such a thing possible? Logically I’d have to say, “No.”, but I also had to admit that when it came right down to it, I just didn’t know. At one point along my journey I also had to accept that Lucid Dreaming could indeed act as a doorway to reach Out of Body experiences: Something else that “logically” shouldn’t be possible. So I also had to learn to take all the dictates of “logic” and “common sense” with a grain of salt when it came to those realms.

Eventually I decided the best thing for my development was to consciously drop this avatar of mine altogether. The next Lucid state I found myself in I quietly thanked this Chris for the lesson it imparted and I released its “energy” back into the Void from which it came. “I am NOT Chris”, were my final words on the issue.

As one, final note for thought: When I released “Chris”, I noticed that it didn’t dissipate as much as he “detached” and flew away from me into obscurity. I couldn’t help but feel I had given life to something that was still out there somewhere today, doing god-knows-what. I don’t like to dramatize over the idea, but I admit it manages to sends mild shivers down my spine now and again. Do with this information what you will – just please act responsibly with it and always remember that YOU are the source. And, in the end, isn’t it possible our physical bodies are also just avatars for our true identities?

Jan Jaydid is a fine artist, public speaker and author of, “Tripping the Field”, a fictional adventure inspired by his Lucidity, Astral Projection and Shamanic practices. You can find his current projects at Iboga Moon Productions:

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Novels, fine art and cartoons by Ian Jaydid

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LUCID NIGHTMARES Fri, 01 Nov 2019 09:37:16 +0000 The phenomenon of LUCID NIGHTMARES is seemingly a less known and less encountered experience. Hopefully, more studies and articles will be written about it. Maybe, with better understanding of it, more people can learn how to stop them when needed, or use them to face their fears and grow through[...]


The phenomenon of LUCID NIGHTMARES is seemingly a less known and less encountered experience. Hopefully, more studies and articles will be written about it. Maybe, with better understanding of it, more people can learn how to stop them when needed, or use them to face their fears and grow through them.

Below is some information on studies and articles relating to it.


“…Fear plays a huge role in lucid dreams because fear can manifest exactly what we don’t want to see. In lucid dreams this well-known phenomenon is called the expectancy effect

The neural pathways that connect fear to certain past experiences are so strong, they are like deep grooves in a dirt road, making it the easiest path for our minds to follow…

… In other cases, especially for young men, there is a real craving for confrontation in lucid dreams. Sometimes we go “looking for trouble,”…

…So here is a potpourri of tactics… Find safe ground…Know your boundaries…Ask for a helper or guardian…Ask threatening dream characters how you can help them…Give a gift… Cultivate gratitude…Take up a body practice…Explore your core beliefs…” – Lucid Nightmares – Fear, Initiation, and Beyond – Ryan Hurd


“This article reports the first systematic study on lucid nightmares—terrifying lucid dreams with a lack of dream control….

…According to the reports of lucid dreamers, less than half of them had experienced a lucid nightmare, and only 1% of them could be considered as suffering from lucid nightmares

…Lucid nightmares are more likely to occur for women and nightmare sufferers, yet also for more frequent lucid dreamers and for those who experience lucid dreams spontaneously rather than them being induced deliberately…” – Lucid nightmares: A survey of their frequency, features, and factors in lucid dreamers – Tadas Stumbrys – Dreaming, Vol 28(3), Sep 2018 – Psycnet –


“…But not everyone has a good time in their NDE [Near Death Experiences}… frightening experiences include: 

  1. Phenomenology similar to peaceful near-death experiences but interpreted as unpleasant
  2. A sense of nonexistence or eternal void
  3. Graphic hellish landscapes and entities

Brushing off negative imagery as reflections of fear only stigmatizes dreamers and visionaries, and therefore devalues the warnings and messages…

I tell this story because those dreamers who suffer from lucid nightmares often feel persecuted, misunderstood, and that they are “doing something wrong.” Any path (be it for fun, self-knowledge, or self-empowerment) is beset with darkness and light. This is true of dreamwork, spirituality, and any creative process….” Lucid Nightmares & Frightening Near Death Experiences – Ryan Hurd –


“…And when the unconscious decides to air some anxieties, you have a nightmare…I often relinquish control of my lucid dreams and allow my unconscious to show me what it wants…”Passive lucid dreaming” as I’ve come to call it, can be far more enlightening than my conscious dream choices. .. Think of it as an opportunity to face your inner fears and overcome them…

…The childish method of shouting “WAKE UP” can help at this point – but I recommend confronting your demons or just letting the nightmare play out… – Lucid Nightmares: Can Lucid Dreams Become Nightmares? – Rebecca Turner


“…I also want to comfort such people by assuring them that I have only pleasant lucid dreams now, so it really is possible to stop having lucid nightmares and begin enjoying lucid dreams…

…After the first time this happened, with fearful results, I could no longer stop it from happening. The simple reason for this is that I would go to sleep afraid that I might have more lucid nightmares, and this very fear planted all the seed-thoughts needed to make the experience repeat itself. ..

…I stopped becoming lucid in my dreams. I think that this happened because my subconscious mind finally registered the fact that I no longer wanted to lucid dream….” – My Lucid Nightmares and Lucid Dreaming Stories – Justin Aptaker – updated on May 23, 2017


In this paper, I will illustrate how some nightmares offer a unique opportunity to dreamers not because they can be transformed but because they transform us. These are lucid nightmares…

…Lucid nightmares are a little understood phenomenon that has been long overlooked, in part due to the cultural reluctance of reporting negative lucid dream experiences…

Ego psychology is effective at pushing the shadows back to where they belong, and has eased the suffering of thousands of tortured souls. –  Lucid Nightmares: the Dark Side of Self-Awareness in Dream – Ryan Hurd – Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams – 2009 – Academia –


“…Dreams have been known to act almost like health warnings. Repeated nightmares that show us images or scenarios that relate to health issues or diseases can be a way of our bodies trying to make us aware that something is wrong

…Facing your fears in your dreams can lessen the terror of similar real life situations and also make future nightmares less frequent…

…Watch the dream as you would a movie…” – Stefan – HowToLucid –


“…Of the 160 nightmarish dreams, 67 could be classified as lucid nightmares with two thirds of the dreams including the inability to wake up. “Including nightmarish elements in the most recent lucid dream report” and “Being able to change the distressing content vs. having a lucid nightmare” was not related to age, gender, education, and ethnicity in this exploratory study. Future studies should focus on the variety of lucid nightmare topics – possibly expand the definition as this is currently focused on the inability to wake up or not being able to change the plot – and intervention strategies, i.e., the most effective ways to deal with lucid nightmares…” –  Lucid nightmares: An exploratory online study | International Journal of Dream Research


Commonalities Between Sleep Paralysis And Lucid Dreaming


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My New Adventure Sun, 13 Jan 2019 17:42:40 +0000 GUEST POST – BY MIKE B. I have lucid dreamed since I was a young child just was not very aware in a semi state of control. As I grew into my teens the intensity and control increased and I began researching on the topic obsessively. Most helpful book for[...]

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I have lucid dreamed since I was a young child just was not very aware in a semi state of control. As I grew into my teens the intensity and control increased and I began researching on the topic obsessively. Most helpful book for me was Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge. Which so happened to be sitting in an old used book store around the corner from my house tucked away on the top shelf in the back corner labeled under psychology books, it seemed like fate to me.

I learned many techniques and had some very profound experiences as I began getting into drug use with psychedelics and smoking pot regularly I noticed that I began to dream less. One day I stopped remembering a majority of my dreams altogether and lucidity ceased. I stopped using the heavier drugs but continued smoking pot and I continued to not dream this is after I turned 20. Fast forward 7 years and this is recently I had a minor manic episode I suppose the medical community would identify it as. I describe it as another level of perception, of our base reality. I was isolated and going through an emotional time with my partner, I hadn’t been smoking pot, my appetite decreased and I hadn’t been sleeping. I began to have these rushes of what seemed to be memories of past lives, and I began perceiving the world in a much different way, my entire life fell apart and even as I write this today I am rebuilding and attempting to come to a regular baseline reality again. I have been eating and smoking pot far less than I have before and I’ve been having these very vivid dreams again almost daily. There’s a difference though, it is almost as if my dream body is living it’s own life in its own world and when I try to impose my choices on its reality were having this tug of war of who’s in control of the dream body, I would relate the feeling to dream paralysis when you feel the vibrations but my dream body and I are fighting each other for control of the body itself.  Very odd experience just happened this evening I will post more info as it comes.

Has anyone else experienced something similar to this? It’s raising some questions for me is this reality a dream am I being dreamt or am I dreaming the dreamer when I sleep or is he dream I when he sleeps on some level. Ha ha very out there I know – please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss the nature of dreaming as it is a topic I put down many years ago and at one point in my life wanted to pursue as a career which I still may do now that I am regaining my abilities all the best.

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Increased Abilities Of Lucid Dreaming Thu, 03 Jan 2019 18:47:02 +0000 GUEST POST I’ve been experiencing lucid dreams for 35 years. Increasingly, getting better at it through time. I remember almost every dream since then. I’ve been in complete control of them for about the last ten years. I started out controlling my abilities. Now I can manipulate everything. The newest[...]

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I’ve been experiencing lucid dreams for 35 years. Increasingly, getting better at it through time. I remember almost every dream since then. I’ve been in complete control of them for about the last ten years. I started out controlling my abilities. Now I can manipulate everything. The newest addition to all this, is seeing moments of my future. this has only been going on for about two months. I will see something happen days before it occurs. My focus now is to try and control those dreams as well. In high hopes to possibly manipulate my own path in time.

I have on average two to four dreams per night. Some are major cataclysmic events. While others are usually things going on with my life or things I want to happen in my life.

I can either start my dreams by focusing on a subject or person, or I can change things about a dream as it happens. Most of them have to deal with ancient abilities that were told to me from a spirit within my dream. This spirit or entity seems to watch what I do in my dreams and sometimes guides me. It’s as if I were getting lessons on how to do these things from my subconscious while dreaming.

I would like to find a doctor or scientist that would work with me to find out why this is happening. Possible brain tumor? Or something deeper and larger than that?

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The World of Lucid Dreaming Sex Sun, 21 Jan 2018 22:45:22 +0000 The World of Lucid Dream Sex The following 2 Questions/Answers are excerpts from the Dream Studies Portal – Ryan Hurd – Erotic Lucid Dreaming: Exploring Sex & Spirit – “Q: Are dream orgasms real? A: Yes, it’s been scientifically documented that orgasms in lucid dreams can be real orgasms,[...]

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The World of Lucid Dream Sex

The following 2 Questions/Answers are excerpts from the Dream Studies Portal – Ryan Hurd – Erotic Lucid Dreaming: Exploring Sex &

“Q: Are dream orgasms real?

A: Yes, it’s been scientifically documented that orgasms in lucid dreams can be real orgasms, accompanied by muscular responses, a quickened heart-rate, and vascular tissue change too…however, not every lucid dream is necessarily a physical one…”

…Q: Why are my lucid dreams so erotically charged?

A: REM sleep is simply exciting from a biological standpoint. Erections and the female equivalent (engorgement) come and go all the time in normal dreams. Becoming consciously aware in a dream often means becoming aware of our bodies’ physiological arousal as we dream.” – Ryan Hurd – Erotic Lucid Dreaming: Exploring Sex & Spirit – Dream Studies Portal –

The Benefits of Lucid Dream Sex – By Maxwell Hunter – – TheRaRaRabbit – Published on May 10, 2017

LaBerge, Greenleaf & Kedzierski (1983) conducted a study…The study found strong correlation between the reported dream activities of the subject and the expected physiological measurements of sexual arousal, with vaginal muscle tone, pulsation and her respiration increasing the most during the 15 seconds of her reported orgasm, although contrary to expectations, her heart rate was only slightly elevated.” – Excerpt from Girl, Interpreted: An analytical self portrait of a dreamer – Wet Dreams: An Orgasmic Experience!

Lucid Dream Sex – Tallulah La Ghash:

“What is having sex in a lucid dream like?” – Reddit – Are you dreaming – Blog –

SILD – Sexual Induced Lucid Dreams – Best-Lucid-Dreaming-Techniques:

Related Post(s):

“The Ethics of Dream Sex” – by Beverly (Kedzierski Heart) D’Urso, Ph.D.

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Lucid Dreaming And Its Potential to Create Compassion…And Changing The World With It! Thu, 18 Jan 2018 00:36:21 +0000 “Mindfulness, Compassion & Lucid Dreaming w/ Paul Gilbert & Charlie Morley”…“What is the connection between Mindfulness, Compassion and Lucid Dreaming? What is the point of cultivating compassion during waking and dreaming states? Learn more with Prof Paul Gilbert and Lucid Dreaming and Shadow Work teacher Charlie Morley.” – Youtube –[...]

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“Mindfulness, Compassion & Lucid Dreaming w/ Paul Gilbert & Charlie Morley”…“What is the connection between Mindfulness, Compassion and Lucid Dreaming? What is the point of cultivating compassion during waking and dreaming states? Learn more with Prof Paul Gilbert and Lucid Dreaming and Shadow Work teacher Charlie Morley.” – Youtube – Awake Academy –

“Compassion motivates people to go out of their way to help the physical, mental or emotional pains of another and themselves. Compassion is often regarded as having sensitivity, an emotional aspect to suffering…“Compassion involves “feeling for another” and is a precursor to empathy, the “feeling as another”… compassion is the desire to alleviate another’s [or your own] suffering…” – Wikipedia

“In lucid meditation, we are already awake, yet we try to connect with the power of the dream realm. Translated into waking life, this ability, cultivated during meditation, develops the power of our subtle senses. This capacity affirms our essential unity with all of life. It cultivates compassion, awareness, and a sense of our being in the flow of things.” – Excerpted from the book Living in the SuperMindFrom Personal Mind to Spiritual Mind by Dr. Maurie Pressman and provided by the publisher:

When you wake up in a dream in this sense you empathize with the perspectives of other self-aspects rather than simply accept the consensus reality of the dream at face value. In some important respects, this is more powerful than lucid dreaming because it amplifies the six core qualities.  It is compassionate, in that it strives to empathize with the perspectives of other sentient beings appearing in your dream.” – From the text DREAM YOGA – Joseph Dillard –  

Compassion is the sometimes fatal capacity for feeling what it’s like to live inside somebody else’s skinDreaming can be a school for this kind of compassion… “The shock of realizing I am in a black man’s body makes me conscious I am dreaming. Now lucid, I stay with the dream… I am fascinated by discovering what it feels like to have your genitals outside your body… Now I’m walking down the street, in this black man’s body… I smell delicious food aromas wafting from a restaurant… Two white men at the door tell…“Sure you can come in, boy. You can eat watermelon.” … I feel boiling anger rising inside me… I pull out of the dream.”  I asked Norma how she felt about this dream adventure inside a black man’s body. “I felt exhilarated,” she told me without hesitation. “I felt sad about the racism that black man had to contend with, yet grateful that I could share a part of his life.”  “If only all of us could have this experience of being inside other people’s skins, we could get rid of a lot of our prejudices and social problems.” – Belifnet – Posted by Robert Moss –

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The Relation Of Metacognition And Lucid Dreams; And The Possible Treatment Approaches That Come With It Tue, 16 Jan 2018 17:33:55 +0000 “Metacognition is “cognition about cognition”, “thinking about thinking“, “knowing about knowing”, becoming “aware of one’s awareness” and higher-order thinking skills.” – Wikipedia – “Could we one day heal the mind by taking control of our dreams?… …Brain regions involved in meta-cognition are among the most activated in lucid dreaming… …In principle, lucid[...]

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“Metacognition is “cognition about cognition”, “thinking about thinking“, “knowing about knowing”, becoming “aware of one’s awareness” and higher-order thinking skills.” – Wikipedia –

“Could we one day heal the mind by taking control of our dreams?…

Brain regions involved in meta-cognition are among the most activated in lucid dreaming…

…In principle, lucid dreaming may be a powerful tool for promoting insight and emotional change, as one gains moment-by-moment conscious access to the workings of the mind – including suppressed feelings. This may even offer a way to work with issues such as addiction, just as a hypnotherapist may approach a nicotine addiction by suggesting a conscious intent to the subconscious mind…” – July 14, 2016 – Adhip Rawal – Lecturer In Psychology, University of Sussex –

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OBE/Astral Projection And Lucid Dreaming Teams – How About Those Two Groups Coming Together To Synergize Instead Of Being At War? Tue, 26 Dec 2017 07:21:20 +0000 “…In fact, I think that they (Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming) are too related to be at war. Astral Projection is probably just Lucid Dreaming plus…” – Daniel Kelley – Behind The Veil – “OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES – …Scientists Lynne Levitan and Stephen LaBerge counter that OBEs are[...]

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“…In fact, I think that they (Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming) are too related to be at war. Astral Projection is probably just Lucid Dreaming plus…” – Daniel Kelley – Behind The Veil –

“OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES – …Scientists Lynne Levitan and Stephen LaBerge counter that OBEs are almost the opposite of a lucid dream — lucid dreamers know they’re in a dream, while people having an OBE think everything’s real [source: Levitan and LaBerge].” – Excerpt from an article by Katie Lambert “How Lucid Dreaming Works” 21 May 2008.

“…professional psychiatrists and Stuart Twenlow compared OBE’s to several different phenomena in psychology such as lucid dreaming,…They concluded OBEs are different. As respected professionals, they did not speculate on what exactly OBEs are they just said they don’t fit into any of these categories, they belong in their own category. –

“The OBE Outlook on Life” – By Bob Peterson –

“17 Reasons Lucid Dreams and OBEs are Different”
– Graham Nicholls – June 27, 2017 – … 

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An Interview with Ryan Hurd on Raw Talk With Sheena Tue, 26 Dec 2017 05:50:38 +0000 “…RYAN HURD. Ryan is a dream researcher, educator and author…He occasionally writes for Business Insider and Reality Sandwich, and has been featured on Mashable, The Daily Beast, Gawker, and Psychology Today. His blog,, addresses topics on sleep, dreams, and consciousness. Ryan’s books:…” – The Q.PSience Project Click here for the[...]

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“…RYAN HURD. Ryan is a dream researcher, educator and author…He occasionally writes for Business Insider and Reality Sandwich, and has been featured on Mashable, The Daily Beast, Gawker, and Psychology Today. His blog,, addresses topics on sleep, dreams, and consciousness. Ryan’s books:…” – The Q.PSience Project

Click here for the interview on Raw Talk With Sheena – Episode 64: Ryan Hurd –


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Sleep Paralysis And How To Stop It When Needed Mon, 25 Dec 2017 20:02:15 +0000 Below is a link to a a nice article about sleep paralysis.  It includes the following section on how to stop it. “As we’ve said before, sleep paralysis is limited to your voluntary muscle system, such as your arms and legs. Your breathing is semi-voluntary, so even in deep states[...]

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Below is a link to a a nice article about sleep paralysis.  It includes the following section on how to stop it.

“As we’ve said before, sleep paralysis is limited to your voluntary muscle system, such as your arms and legs. Your breathing is semi-voluntary, so even in deep states of paralysis you can control it.

When you’re asleep and in sleep paralysis, your body uses a specific sleep breathing pattern. If you enter sleep paralysis and decide you want to exit it and wake up, simply change your breathing pattern to something other than your body’s default sleep breathing pattern..” – Livin’ Lucid Dreams –

Related Post(s):

SLEEP PARALYSIS – Who Has Something Positive And Encouraging To Share About It?

Benefits of Lucid Dreaming – Any thoughts?

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Benefits of Lucid Dreaming – Any thoughts? Tue, 19 Dec 2017 14:17:33 +0000 Benefits of Lucid Dreaming – Any thoughts? NIGHTMARES – Stopping nightmares through lucid dreaming – SLEEP PARALYSIS – The practice of controlling your surroundings while asleep and aware may help someone to change the scenery during sleep paralysis. Just try to love and hug a monster during sleep paralysis[...]

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Benefits of Lucid Dreaming – Any thoughts?

NIGHTMARES – Stopping nightmares through lucid dreaming –

SLEEP PARALYSIS – The practice of controlling your surroundings while asleep and aware may help someone to change the scenery during sleep paralysis. Just try to love and hug a monster during sleep paralysis once, or tell the monster it is just a part of yourself and that you’re not afraid of it and see what happens next…

ART – The incredible power of lucid dreaming to inspire…Here’s an interesting video of an artist using lucid dream inspiration to create his art –

PRACTICE MOTOR SKILLS – Rehearsing motor skills in a lucid dream enhances subsequent performance in wakefulness. –

REHEARSE DESIRED OUTCOMES: A great way to program a new activity, skill or thought into your unconscious mind is to rehearse it and repeat it until it takes root… can rehearse new attitudes, ideas, outcomes and thoughts.


SPIRITUALITY – Ask a spiritual entity questions while lucid…

FUN AND ENJOYMENT – Do whatever you want and cannot do while awake…Fly through beautiful scenery, explore other galaxies, do experiments, eat amazing food… … See Less

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Does Lucid Dreaming Affect Your Emotions, Possibly Fear, Of Dying? Tue, 05 Dec 2017 14:05:43 +0000 Does lucid dreaming affect your emotions, possibly fear, of dying?

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Does lucid dreaming affect your emotions, possibly fear, of dying?

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Have You Ever Communicated With An ‘Unseen’ Awareness Level (Or Your Subconsciousness?!?) While Lucid? Tue, 05 Dec 2017 13:36:18 +0000 Have you ever communicated with an ‘unseen’ awareness level (or your subconsciousness?!?) while lucid? Have you asked it questions and gotten answers? “Because of my lucid dream experiments, I have engaged directly this unseen awareness, and view or listen to its response, and see its knowledge, wisdom and creativity (which[...]

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Have you ever communicated with an ‘unseen’ awareness level (or your subconsciousness?!?) while lucid? Have you asked it questions and gotten answers?

“Because of my lucid dream experiments, I have engaged directly this unseen awareness, and view or listen to its response, and see its knowledge, wisdom and creativity (which I illuminate in my first book..” – Lucid Advice – The Awareness Behind The Dream – Robert Waggoner –

Related Post(s):

Have You Ever Asked Your Lucid Dream ‘Self’ Questions And Gotten Answers?



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Have You Ever Asked Your Lucid Dream ‘Self’ Questions And Gotten Answers? Tue, 05 Dec 2017 04:32:46 +0000 “…Did you know that, when lucid dreaming, you can make contact with another lucid self…? …It often appears wise and all-knowing, offering helpful insights into waking life problems or whatever question is posed by the lucid dreamer…” – World of Lucid Dreaming –  Rebecca Turner Click here to read Rebecca Turner’s[...]

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“…Did you know that, when lucid dreaming, you can make contact with another lucid self…?

…It often appears wise and all-knowing, offering helpful insights into waking life problems or whatever question is posed by the lucid dreamer…” – World of Lucid Dreaming –  Rebecca Turner

Click here to read Rebecca Turner’s article on how to communicate with your lucid self, 10 questions to ask, and much more:

Related Post(s):

Have You Ever Communicated With An ‘Unseen’ Awareness Level (Or Your Subconsciousness?!?) While Lucid?





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What Is The Difference Between Lucid Dreaming And Using Psychedelic Drugs? Tue, 05 Dec 2017 00:32:05 +0000 What is the difference between lucid dreaming and using psychedelic drugs? Does anyone know the difference relating to the brain activity? What are the results of combining lucid dreaming with psychedelic drugs?

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What is the difference between lucid dreaming and using psychedelic drugs?

Does anyone know the difference relating to the brain activity?

What are the results of combining lucid dreaming with psychedelic drugs?

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What’s Your Level Of Control In Your Lucid Dreams? Tue, 28 Nov 2017 19:03:15 +0000 What’s Your Level Of Control In Your Lucid Dreams? In your most intense lucid dreams, what percentage of the scenery and perceptions do you think are consciously controlled by you, and what percentage do you think comes from your subconscious mind (uncontrolled)?

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What’s Your Level Of Control In Your Lucid Dreams?

In your most intense lucid dreams, what percentage of the scenery and perceptions do you think are consciously controlled by you, and what percentage do you think comes from your subconscious mind (uncontrolled)?

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Any Thoughts on Connecting Quantum Physics, Teleportation and Lucid Dreaming? Tue, 28 Nov 2017 07:35:36 +0000 Any thoughts on connecting quantum physics, teleportation and lucid dreaming? Michio Kaku – The Metaphysics of Teleportation: Michio Kaku: The Metaphysics of Teleportation | Big Think Michio Kaku: The Metaphysics of TeleportationWatch the newest video from Big Think: Big Think… YouTube

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Any thoughts on connecting quantum physics, teleportation and lucid dreaming?

Michio Kaku – The Metaphysics of Teleportation:

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