Mental and Physical Conditions and Illnesses Archives » LUCID DREAM RESEARCH This is a network for lucid dreamers and scientists to share research information and lucid dream experiences, connect for future studies, and expand the knowledge of the lucid dream phenomenon. Sat, 30 Jul 2022 14:27:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 194839300 About Lucid Dreaming And Its Relation To Mental Health, Personality, Self-Confidence, Behavior Control… Mon, 13 Jan 2020 17:03:01 +0000 Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – Doll, E., Gittler, G., & Holzinger, B. (2009). Dreaming, Lucid Dreaming and Personality, 2(2), 52–57 – “DREAMING, LUCID DREAMING AND PERSONALITY… …Our investigation focused on the frequency of the lucid dream experience and its relationship to mental[...]

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Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – Doll, E., Gittler, G., & Holzinger, B. (2009). Dreaming, Lucid Dreaming and Personality, 2(2), 52–57 –


…Our investigation focused on the frequency of the lucid dream experience and its relationship to mental health; behavioral control…; decision behavior…; and spatial abilities… Data analysis of 89 subjects suggested that frequent lucid dreamers…differ from rare…and non-lucid dreamers… by higher scores on the scales of mental health; free of complaints; assertiveness; autonomy, and self-confidence. With regard to behavioral control, decision behavior, and spatial abilities, no significant differences were found between the three dream groups…

…Altogether, our results confirmed the relationship between lucid dreaming and trait aspects of mental health. The increased scores of frequent lucid dreamers on the mental health supported the view…that mental and also physical health are associated with lucid dreaming…

…in sum, it is conceivable that lucid dreaming influences the management of mental conflicts in a positive way and – with qualified therapeutic accompaniment – may have a favourable affect on waking life…

…However, the sample was not representative of the general population and was mainly comprised of spontaneous lucid dreamers. How a training to induce lucid dreams might affect personality and well-being remains open…

…The hypothesis that lucid dreaming interacts with control of behavior in waking life…was not supported. Obviously, behavioral control in waking life, which includes long-term planning and striving for order, includes a different aspect of control than that involved in lucid dreaming. The difference in the character of reality in dreams and in waking life may also play a role in this context. In contrast to waking life, dreams do not have continuity and are short-term occurrences, whereas the waking world offers a continuous reality of space and time where long-term planning is practicable…

…Altogether, dream recall frequency correlated with lucid dream frequency, but showed other relationships to personality traits than lucid dream frequency. This suggests that lucid dreams are a phenomenon to be distinguished from ordinary dreams…  The correlation found between a positive attitude towards dreams and general dream recall frequency agrees with the results of Schredl et al. (1996) as well as Cernovsky (1984)…”

Related Post(s):

“Lucid Dreaming for Mental Health” – By Maxwell Hunter, TheRaRaRabbit- Psychology

“Nocturnal Consciousness And Its Importance For The Exploration Of Psychopathology”

Studies on the use of lucid dreams to improve emotional fitness/mental fitness/self improvement such as confidence, positive thinking, etc.

MIXING PSYCHOLOGY AND REALITY CHECKS – Using Awareness Of Emotions To Induce Reality Checks and Positive Thinking

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“Nocturnal Consciousness And Its Importance For The Exploration Of Psychopathology” Thu, 02 Jan 2020 12:08:43 +0000 “Nocturnal Consciousness and Its Importance for the Exploration of Psychopathology” …In fact, the dream sleep stage…has been suggested as a model for schizophrenia…and there is some evidence that psychosis may be conceptualized as sleeping mentation entering the waking state… The various nocturnal consciousness characteristics that have been related to stress,[...]

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“Nocturnal Consciousness and Its Importance for the Exploration of Psychopathology”

…In fact, the dream sleep stage…has been suggested as a model for schizophrenia…and there is some evidence that psychosis may be conceptualized as sleeping mentation entering the waking state… The various nocturnal consciousness characteristics that have been related to stress, negative emotion, or psychopathological symptoms include—but are not limited to—traumatic and non-traumatic nightmares…, recurrent dreams…falling asleep…, dream bizarreness, and hypnagogic hallucinations…” Nirit Soffer-Dudek – Consciousness and Psychopathology Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel – Frontiers in Psychology,

 “Lucid dreams are unique among atypical sleep experiences because they promote resilience instead of psychopathology, says Soffer-Dudek” – Soffer-Dudek, N. (2017) – Arousal in nocturnal consciousness: How dream- and sleep-experiences may inform us of poor sleep quality, stress, and psychopathology. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(733)

Related Post(s):

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LUCID NIGHTMARES Fri, 01 Nov 2019 09:37:16 +0000 The phenomenon of LUCID NIGHTMARES is seemingly a less known and less encountered experience. Hopefully, more studies and articles will be written about it. Maybe, with better understanding of it, more people can learn how to stop them when needed, or use them to face their fears and grow through[...]


The phenomenon of LUCID NIGHTMARES is seemingly a less known and less encountered experience. Hopefully, more studies and articles will be written about it. Maybe, with better understanding of it, more people can learn how to stop them when needed, or use them to face their fears and grow through them.

Below is some information on studies and articles relating to it.


“…Fear plays a huge role in lucid dreams because fear can manifest exactly what we don’t want to see. In lucid dreams this well-known phenomenon is called the expectancy effect

The neural pathways that connect fear to certain past experiences are so strong, they are like deep grooves in a dirt road, making it the easiest path for our minds to follow…

… In other cases, especially for young men, there is a real craving for confrontation in lucid dreams. Sometimes we go “looking for trouble,”…

…So here is a potpourri of tactics… Find safe ground…Know your boundaries…Ask for a helper or guardian…Ask threatening dream characters how you can help them…Give a gift… Cultivate gratitude…Take up a body practice…Explore your core beliefs…” – Lucid Nightmares – Fear, Initiation, and Beyond – Ryan Hurd


“This article reports the first systematic study on lucid nightmares—terrifying lucid dreams with a lack of dream control….

…According to the reports of lucid dreamers, less than half of them had experienced a lucid nightmare, and only 1% of them could be considered as suffering from lucid nightmares

…Lucid nightmares are more likely to occur for women and nightmare sufferers, yet also for more frequent lucid dreamers and for those who experience lucid dreams spontaneously rather than them being induced deliberately…” – Lucid nightmares: A survey of their frequency, features, and factors in lucid dreamers – Tadas Stumbrys – Dreaming, Vol 28(3), Sep 2018 – Psycnet –


“…But not everyone has a good time in their NDE [Near Death Experiences}… frightening experiences include: 

  1. Phenomenology similar to peaceful near-death experiences but interpreted as unpleasant
  2. A sense of nonexistence or eternal void
  3. Graphic hellish landscapes and entities

Brushing off negative imagery as reflections of fear only stigmatizes dreamers and visionaries, and therefore devalues the warnings and messages…

I tell this story because those dreamers who suffer from lucid nightmares often feel persecuted, misunderstood, and that they are “doing something wrong.” Any path (be it for fun, self-knowledge, or self-empowerment) is beset with darkness and light. This is true of dreamwork, spirituality, and any creative process….” Lucid Nightmares & Frightening Near Death Experiences – Ryan Hurd –


“…And when the unconscious decides to air some anxieties, you have a nightmare…I often relinquish control of my lucid dreams and allow my unconscious to show me what it wants…”Passive lucid dreaming” as I’ve come to call it, can be far more enlightening than my conscious dream choices. .. Think of it as an opportunity to face your inner fears and overcome them…

…The childish method of shouting “WAKE UP” can help at this point – but I recommend confronting your demons or just letting the nightmare play out… – Lucid Nightmares: Can Lucid Dreams Become Nightmares? – Rebecca Turner


“…I also want to comfort such people by assuring them that I have only pleasant lucid dreams now, so it really is possible to stop having lucid nightmares and begin enjoying lucid dreams…

…After the first time this happened, with fearful results, I could no longer stop it from happening. The simple reason for this is that I would go to sleep afraid that I might have more lucid nightmares, and this very fear planted all the seed-thoughts needed to make the experience repeat itself. ..

…I stopped becoming lucid in my dreams. I think that this happened because my subconscious mind finally registered the fact that I no longer wanted to lucid dream….” – My Lucid Nightmares and Lucid Dreaming Stories – Justin Aptaker – updated on May 23, 2017


In this paper, I will illustrate how some nightmares offer a unique opportunity to dreamers not because they can be transformed but because they transform us. These are lucid nightmares…

…Lucid nightmares are a little understood phenomenon that has been long overlooked, in part due to the cultural reluctance of reporting negative lucid dream experiences…

Ego psychology is effective at pushing the shadows back to where they belong, and has eased the suffering of thousands of tortured souls. –  Lucid Nightmares: the Dark Side of Self-Awareness in Dream – Ryan Hurd – Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams – 2009 – Academia –


“…Dreams have been known to act almost like health warnings. Repeated nightmares that show us images or scenarios that relate to health issues or diseases can be a way of our bodies trying to make us aware that something is wrong

…Facing your fears in your dreams can lessen the terror of similar real life situations and also make future nightmares less frequent…

…Watch the dream as you would a movie…” – Stefan – HowToLucid –


“…Of the 160 nightmarish dreams, 67 could be classified as lucid nightmares with two thirds of the dreams including the inability to wake up. “Including nightmarish elements in the most recent lucid dream report” and “Being able to change the distressing content vs. having a lucid nightmare” was not related to age, gender, education, and ethnicity in this exploratory study. Future studies should focus on the variety of lucid nightmare topics – possibly expand the definition as this is currently focused on the inability to wake up or not being able to change the plot – and intervention strategies, i.e., the most effective ways to deal with lucid nightmares…” –  Lucid nightmares: An exploratory online study | International Journal of Dream Research


Commonalities Between Sleep Paralysis And Lucid Dreaming


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Lucid Dreaming And The Darker Side Of The Psyche – Charlie Morley And Shadow Work Wed, 09 Jan 2019 18:32:23 +0000 “In Jungian psychology, the shadow refers to the entirety of the unconscious, i.e., everything of which a person is not fully conscious, or an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not recognize in itself. Because one tends to reject or remain unaware of the least desirable[...]

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“In Jungian psychology, the shadow refers to the entirety of the unconscious, i.e., everything of which a person is not fully conscious, or an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not recognize in itself. Because one tends to reject or remain unaware of the least desirable aspects of one’s personality, the shadow is largely negative.”  – The Power of Dreams –

“According to Carl Jung this [shadow] is our darker side of our psyche…”We use our dark side or shadow to display activities our ego is not comfortable with.”…” – Psychology Dictionary –

“According to Jung, the shadow, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to psychological projection, in which a perceived personal inferiority is recognized as a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Jung writes that if these projections remain hidden, “The projection-making factor (the Shadow archetype) then has a free hand and can realize its object—if it has one—or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power.”[6] These projections insulate and harm individuals by acting as a constantly thickening veil of illusion between the ego and the real world.”  – Wikipedia –

CHARLIE MORLEY is a well known lucid dream mentor, author, and instructor who has integrated “Shadow Work” into his teachings. His articles, books and videos reflect his vast experience with both lucid dreaming and ‘shadow’ psychology. His works are easy and fun to follow as he combines personal anecdotes with humor, a vast knowledge of the topics, honesty and self-awareness.







Additional Articles:

Transcending the shadow self through lucid dreaming – Gustavo Castañer – Ascended Relationships –

“Sex with your shadow?” – Reddit – Are You Dreaming? –

“Carl Jung on Accepting the Darkness of Self and Others” – YouTube –




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Commonalities Between Sleep Paralysis And Lucid Dreaming Thu, 24 May 2018 18:45:54 +0000 DISSOCIATION:  “In psychology, dissociation is any of a wide array of experiences from mild detachment from immediate surroundings to more severe detachment from physical and emotional experiences. The major characteristic of all dissociative phenomena involves a detachment from reality, rather than a loss of reality as in psychosis.” – Wikipedia “Terror and bliss? COMMONALITIES AND DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN[...]

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DISSOCIATION:  “In psychologydissociation is any of a wide array of experiences from mild detachment from immediate surroundings to more severe detachment from physical and emotional experiences. The major characteristic of all dissociative phenomena involves a detachment from reality, rather than a loss of reality as in psychosis.” – Wikipedia

“Terror and bliss? COMMONALITIES AND DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN SLEEP PARALYSIS, LUCID DREAMING, and their associations with waking life experiences…

Sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming are both dissociated experiences related to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Anecdotal evidence suggests that episodes of sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming are related but different experiences

… Confirming anecdotal evidence, sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming frequency were related positively and this association was most apparent between lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis episodes featuring vestibular‐motor hallucinations. Dissociative experiences were the only common (positive) predictor of both sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming… 

…sleep paralysis was predicted by sleep quality, anxiety and life stress, whereas lucid dreaming was predicted by a positive constructive daydreaming style and vividness of sensory imagery… 

…while sleep paralysis is related primarily to issues of sleep quality and wellbeing, lucid dreaming may reflect a continuation of greater imaginative capacity and positive imagery in waking states.

Sleep paralysis frequency (but not lucid dreaming) was associated with poorer sleep quality and greater stress and anxiety, whereas lucid dreaming frequency (but not sleep paralysis) was associated with positive constructive daydreaming and more vivid imagination…

lucid dreaming was not associated with negative affective states or poor sleep quality, and may be reflective of a continuation of greater imaginative capacity and positive relationship with imagery in waking states

…Notwithstanding these limitations, this study has provided the first evidence linking sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming, not only to each other but also to important and relevant waking states such as daydreaming, dissociative experiences and affect…”

Excerpts are from the following study – with pictures added – Denis D, Poerio GL. Terror and bliss? Commonalities and distinctions between sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming, and their associations with waking life experiences. J Sleep Res. 2017 Feb;26(1):38-47. doi: 10.1111/jsr.12441. Epub 2016 Jul 27. PMID: 27460633; PMCID: PMC5245115.

Related Post(s):

Sleep Paralysis And How To Stop It When Needed

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The Relation Of Metacognition And Lucid Dreams; And The Possible Treatment Approaches That Come With It Tue, 16 Jan 2018 17:33:55 +0000 “Metacognition is “cognition about cognition”, “thinking about thinking“, “knowing about knowing”, becoming “aware of one’s awareness” and higher-order thinking skills.” – Wikipedia – “Could we one day heal the mind by taking control of our dreams?… …Brain regions involved in meta-cognition are among the most activated in lucid dreaming… …In principle, lucid[...]

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“Metacognition is “cognition about cognition”, “thinking about thinking“, “knowing about knowing”, becoming “aware of one’s awareness” and higher-order thinking skills.” – Wikipedia –

“Could we one day heal the mind by taking control of our dreams?…

Brain regions involved in meta-cognition are among the most activated in lucid dreaming…

…In principle, lucid dreaming may be a powerful tool for promoting insight and emotional change, as one gains moment-by-moment conscious access to the workings of the mind – including suppressed feelings. This may even offer a way to work with issues such as addiction, just as a hypnotherapist may approach a nicotine addiction by suggesting a conscious intent to the subconscious mind…” – July 14, 2016 – Adhip Rawal – Lecturer In Psychology, University of Sussex –

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Sleep Paralysis And How To Stop It When Needed Mon, 25 Dec 2017 20:02:15 +0000 Below is a link to a a nice article about sleep paralysis.  It includes the following section on how to stop it. “As we’ve said before, sleep paralysis is limited to your voluntary muscle system, such as your arms and legs. Your breathing is semi-voluntary, so even in deep states[...]

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Below is a link to a a nice article about sleep paralysis.  It includes the following section on how to stop it.

“As we’ve said before, sleep paralysis is limited to your voluntary muscle system, such as your arms and legs. Your breathing is semi-voluntary, so even in deep states of paralysis you can control it.

When you’re asleep and in sleep paralysis, your body uses a specific sleep breathing pattern. If you enter sleep paralysis and decide you want to exit it and wake up, simply change your breathing pattern to something other than your body’s default sleep breathing pattern..” – Livin’ Lucid Dreams –

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SLEEP PARALYSIS – Who Has Something Positive And Encouraging To Share About It?

Benefits of Lucid Dreaming – Any thoughts?

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Benefits of Lucid Dreaming – Any thoughts? Tue, 19 Dec 2017 14:17:33 +0000 Benefits of Lucid Dreaming – Any thoughts? NIGHTMARES – Stopping nightmares through lucid dreaming – SLEEP PARALYSIS – The practice of controlling your surroundings while asleep and aware may help someone to change the scenery during sleep paralysis. Just try to love and hug a monster during sleep paralysis[...]

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Benefits of Lucid Dreaming – Any thoughts?

NIGHTMARES – Stopping nightmares through lucid dreaming –

SLEEP PARALYSIS – The practice of controlling your surroundings while asleep and aware may help someone to change the scenery during sleep paralysis. Just try to love and hug a monster during sleep paralysis once, or tell the monster it is just a part of yourself and that you’re not afraid of it and see what happens next…

ART – The incredible power of lucid dreaming to inspire…Here’s an interesting video of an artist using lucid dream inspiration to create his art –

PRACTICE MOTOR SKILLS – Rehearsing motor skills in a lucid dream enhances subsequent performance in wakefulness. –

REHEARSE DESIRED OUTCOMES: A great way to program a new activity, skill or thought into your unconscious mind is to rehearse it and repeat it until it takes root… can rehearse new attitudes, ideas, outcomes and thoughts.


SPIRITUALITY – Ask a spiritual entity questions while lucid…

FUN AND ENJOYMENT – Do whatever you want and cannot do while awake…Fly through beautiful scenery, explore other galaxies, do experiments, eat amazing food… … See Less

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Lucid Dream Therapy in Psychiatry Tue, 28 Nov 2017 18:46:03 +0000 “New Links Between Lucid Dreaming And Psychosis Could Revive Dream Therapy In Psychiatry” “…Similarities in brain activity during lucid dreaming and psychosis suggest that the previously discredited technique of dream therapy may be useful in psychiatric treatment, according to a European Science Foundation workgroup. People suffering from nightmares can sometimes[...]

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“New Links Between Lucid Dreaming And Psychosis Could Revive Dream Therapy In Psychiatry”

“…Similarities in brain activity during lucid dreaming and psychosis suggest that the previously discredited technique of dream therapy may be useful in psychiatric treatment, according to a European Science Foundation workgroup. People suffering from nightmares can sometimes be treated by training them to dream lucidly so they can consciously wake up.  – European Science Foundation. ” – ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 29 July 2009 –

Related Posts: 

Psychology and Lucid Dreaming

The Relation of Metacognition and Lucid Dreams; and the possible Treatment Approaches that come with it


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How Do Lucid Dreams Of Blind People Differ? Sun, 26 Nov 2017 19:42:22 +0000 How do lucid dreams of blind people differ? What techniques could they apply? What kind of studies and research should be done in the field of lucid dreaming for blind people? “…four of the seven congenitally blind subjects who were totally blind had no indications of visual imagery in their[...]

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How do lucid dreams of blind people differ? What techniques could they apply? What kind of studies and research should be done in the field of lucid dreaming for blind people?

“…four of the seven congenitally blind subjects who were totally blind had no indications of visual imagery in their dream reports..” –

Do blind people lucid dream?

The Dreams of Blind Men and Women: A Replication and Extension of Previous Findings –

What do blind people dream of? – Team LucidDream – Published on Sep 28, 2016 –

“Do the Blind Literally “See ” in Their Dreams?… – Nancy H. Kerr, Oglethorpe University, G. William Domhof, University of California, Santa Cruz –

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TheRaRaRabbit – A Youtube Channel – Maxwell Hunter Fri, 24 Nov 2017 20:06:20 +0000 TheRaRaRabbit – by Maxwell Hunter – A great YouTube channel for lucid dreamers.  I find it special because you firsthand experience Max’s personal account of a life with lucid dreaming. A lot to learn from him and an excellent source for understanding lucid dreaming and all aspects related to it. His[...]

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TheRaRaRabbitby Maxwell Hunter – A great YouTube channel for lucid dreamers.  I find it special because you firsthand experience Max’s personal account of a life with lucid dreaming. A lot to learn from him and an excellent source for understanding lucid dreaming and all aspects related to it. His artistic abilities are certainly enriching the meaning of his videos and make watching them ever so interesting.


Related Post(s):

“Lucid Dreaming for Mental Health” – By Maxwell Hunter, TheRaRaRabbit- Psychology

Psychology and Lucid Dreaming


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“Lucid Dreaming for Mental Health” – By Maxwell Hunter, TheRaRaRabbit- Psychology Fri, 24 Nov 2017 19:34:36 +0000 Psychology and Lucid Dreaming  A video by Maxwell Hunter, a UK based artist and oneironaut, about lucid dreaming and mental health – Youtube –  TheRaRaRabbit – Published on May 24, 2017   Related Post(s): TheRaRaRabbit – A Youtube Channel – Maxwell Hunter Psychology and Lucid Dreaming Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Nightmares[...]

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Psychology and Lucid Dreaming 

A video by Maxwell Hunter, a UK based artist and oneironaut, about lucid dreaming and mental health – Youtube –  TheRaRaRabbit – Published on May 24, 2017  

Related Post(s):

TheRaRaRabbit – A Youtube Channel – Maxwell Hunter

Psychology and Lucid Dreaming

Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Nightmares with Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dream Therapy in Psychiatry

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Is anyone teaching their Children (or little Brother, Sister) how to Lucid Dream? Any Success with it? Fri, 24 Nov 2017 16:50:54 +0000 Is anyone teaching their Children (or little Brother, Sister) how to Lucid Dream? Any Success with it? Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Nightmares with Lucid Dreaming    

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Is anyone teaching their Children (or little Brother, Sister) how to Lucid Dream? Any Success with it?

Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Nightmares with Lucid Dreaming



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About Conscious Decision Making (Volition) and Ability to Plan (or lack thereof) while having a Lucid Dream.. Fri, 24 Nov 2017 16:22:39 +0000 About conscious decision making (volition) and ability to plan (or lack thereof) while having a lucid dream… “Volition or will is the cognitive process by which an individual decides on and commits to a particular course of action.” – “…Another study looking at people’s ability to make conscious decisions in waking life as[...]

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About conscious decision making (volition) and ability to plan (or lack thereof) while having a lucid dream…

“Volition or will is the cognitive process by which an individual decides on and commits to a particular course of action.” –

“…Another study looking at people’s ability to make conscious decisions in waking life as well as during lucid and non-lucid dreams found a large degree of overlap between volitional abilities when we are awake and when we are having lucid dreams. However, the ability to plan was considerably worse in lucid dreams compared to wakefulness.”  – The Conversation, January 7, 2016, Authors: Dan Denis and Giulia Poerio –

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The Relation of Metacognition and Lucid Dreams; and the possible Treatment Approaches that come with it

What’s Your Level Of Control In Your Lucid Dreams?


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The Advantage of Lucid Dreaming in Relation to the Search Activity Concept Fri, 24 Nov 2017 16:07:29 +0000 “SEARCH ACTIVITY CONCEPT (SAC) is a psychophysiological concept that integrates subject’s behavior, resistance to stress and deteriorating factors, pathogenetic mechanisms of different mental and psychomatic disorders, REM sleep functions and psychosomatic disorders, REM sleep, brain monoamines activity and brain laterality” – Wikipedia – “Dream’s lucidity (the subject’s realization that he/she is dreaming) protects[...]

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“SEARCH ACTIVITY CONCEPT (SAC) is a psychophysiological concept that integrates subject’s behavior, resistance to stress and deteriorating factors, pathogenetic mechanisms of different mental and psychomatic disorders, REM sleep functions and psychosomatic disorders, REM sleep, brain monoamines activity and brain laterality” – Wikipedia –

Dream’s lucidity (the subject’s realization that he/she is dreaming) protects dreamer from awakenings during emotionally disturbing or frustrating dreams, because lucid dreams allow subject to feel separated from the dream events that may cause a feeling of helplessness. Due to such a protection from awakenings that can bring subject back to the frustration in wakefulness, subject can turn in the further sleep to normal non-lucid dreams that are restoring subject’s SA in the subsequent wakefulness (activity in the uncertain situation with the feedback between behavior and its outcome)…” – Frontiers in Psychology 6 · September 2015, Vadim Rotenberg –


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Psychology and Lucid Dreaming

The Relation of Metacognition and Lucid Dreams; and the possible Treatment Approaches that come with it

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Has Lucid Dreaming Ever Helped You To Stop Nightmares? Fri, 24 Nov 2017 05:56:32 +0000 Has lucid dreaming ever helped you to stop nightmares? Related Posts: Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Nightmares with Lucid Dreaming Lucid Dream Therapy in Psychiatry Dream Therapy in Psychiatry Psychology and Lucid Dreaming  

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Has lucid dreaming ever helped you to stop nightmares?

Related Posts:

Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Nightmares with Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dream Therapy in Psychiatry

Dream Therapy in Psychiatry

Psychology and Lucid Dreaming


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