Audio/Binaural Beats Archives » LUCID DREAM RESEARCH This is a network for lucid dreamers and scientists to share research information and lucid dream experiences, connect for future studies, and expand the knowledge of the lucid dream phenomenon. Wed, 16 May 2018 09:47:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 194839300 SPATIAL ANGLE MODULATION (SAM) – The Future Replacement Of Binaural Beats To Gain Altered States Of Consciousness, Such As Lucid Dreaming, Through Audio Technology? Sat, 24 Mar 2018 17:57:50 +0000 The Monroe Institute and its SPATIAL ANGLE MODULATION (SAM) technology “The Monroe Institute (TMI) provides experiential education programs facilitating the personal exploration of human consciousness…” “In 2008, The Monroe Institute began to investigate a complementary method of producing the consciousness altering effects… …Rather than binaural beating to achieve its effect, Spatial Angle Modulation™[...]

The post SPATIAL ANGLE MODULATION (SAM) – The Future Replacement Of Binaural Beats To Gain Altered States Of Consciousness, Such As Lucid Dreaming, Through Audio Technology? appeared first on LUCID DREAM RESEARCH.

The Monroe Institute and its SPATIAL ANGLE MODULATION (SAM) technology

The Monroe Institute (TMI) provides experiential education programs facilitating the personal exploration of human consciousness…”

“In 2008, The Monroe Institute began to investigate a complementary method of producing the consciousness altering effects…

…Rather than binaural beating to achieve its effect, Spatial Angle Modulation™ (SAM) uses a single frequency tone…

…The greater the quantum coherence quotient, the more non-local awareness emerges or what one might call experiential quantum entanglement, the gate key to non-local awareness…

… We believe that the objective evidence for SAM’s effectiveness in facilitating enhanced states of awareness will be shown in ongoing studies of gamma synchrony as an electrophysiological correlate of consciousness itself.” –  The Monroe Institute –

“It’s supposed to help get you in altered states of consciousness…They’re interested in states that correlate with gamma waves (above beta frequencies).” –

Another way to picture all this…is that with the SAM quantum mind technology we will be able to alter the frame exposure rate for perceived local reality, the interlude between frames (when you are entangled with all space/time), and the exposure period for both perspectives…” – Restless Soma – Tributary – July 19, 2011 –

“…Using stereo headphones or speakers, the spatial angle of the apparent sound source moves more rapidly than the brain can process as a Doppler shift anomaly. As a result, the brain produces a modulation or change in the tone – a tremolo effect similar to binaural beating. It is this tremolo effect coupled with the size and orientation of the movement arc produced that give SAM its ability to influence regional brain activity and changes in states of consciousness…” – F. Holmes (Skip) Atwater – IRVA 2012 – Quantum Mind RV with Spatial Angle Modulation™

The Monroe Institute – Spacial Angle Modulation – Open Meditation: YouTube –

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The post SPATIAL ANGLE MODULATION (SAM) – The Future Replacement Of Binaural Beats To Gain Altered States Of Consciousness, Such As Lucid Dreaming, Through Audio Technology? appeared first on LUCID DREAM RESEARCH.

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