LUCID DREAM RESEARCH » All Posts Fri, 08 Nov 2024 03:51:59 +0000 en-US <![CDATA[Reply To: A Study On Lucid Dream Therapy Options To Treat Depression, Anxiety, Etc.]]> Fri, 30 Oct 2020 17:31:31 +0000 Janine Nicol Is anyone conducting research on this topic? I am very interested in participating!

]]> <![CDATA[My Open Dream Database]]> Fri, 17 Jul 2020 10:40:15 +0000 reed jones

Hello all, here is a project I’ve been working on for sometime now, its an open database of dreams.

Feel free to add a dream to the database!

any feedback/suggestions on the site would be very much appreciated as well

Here’s the link:


]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: How does external electricity may stimulate lucid dreaming]]> Wed, 18 Sep 2019 15:30:19 +0000 Manuel Munilla Terzy Ojalá!

By the way, being the subject (LD) intrinsecal in a culture means it is in the colective inconscious, that is it’s always there, present. That is exactly like electricity being physically available in the atmosphere to be driven by our bodies.

Knowing that it is there for us is like the placebo effect, that sometimes (because it depends on the person) works for lucid dreaming. I remember the case of the woman that read an article about LD on the newspaper, and thus knowing for the first time she lucid dreamed that very night.

And coming back, if it were a wheel, its amazing how LD takes us to understanding when in the East they talk about a butterfly dreaming a man, or about being asleep while awake…

Thank you.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: How does external electricity may stimulate lucid dreaming]]> Wed, 18 Sep 2019 14:44:11 +0000 Brit Interesting thoughts.

“…we might not only think about “how to”, but also about physics, cultural habits and human evolution…” – Agree. There is so much to tap into. So little has been explored in those areas. I think this will change though over the next few decades. Lucid dreaming is becoming more and more known through the internet now.

I certainly would like to see more surveys and statistics on how lucid dreaming is impacted by ones cultural background. I think people living in countries with Eastern Philosophies are much more used to lucid dreaming due to their meditation practices and perspectives thereof.

I can’t wait for science to connect quantum physics with the various states of sleep consciousness. 🙂

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: How does external electricity may stimulate lucid dreaming]]> Wed, 18 Sep 2019 14:30:34 +0000 Brit Interesting thoughts.

“…we might not only think about “how to”, but also about physics, cultural habits and human evolution…” – Agree. There is so much to tap into. So little has been explored in those areas. I think this will change though over the next few decades. Lucid dreaming is just becoming more known through the internet now.
I certainly would like to see more surveys and statistics on how lucid dreaming is impacted by ones cultural background. I think people living in countries with Eastern Philosophies are much more used to lucid dreaming due to their meditation practices and perspectives thereof.

I can’t wait for science to connect quantum physics with our various states of consciousness during sleep. 🙂

]]> <![CDATA[How does external electricity may stimulate lucid dreaming]]> Sun, 15 Sep 2019 15:26:49 +0000 Manuel Munilla Terzy

A study suggests that very subtle electricity transmited externally on the head stimulates significantly lucid dreaming. We know about Tibetans Dream Yoga, a culture curiously developed in very hight altitude lands. In hight altitudes electricity is even seen, at night, when we experience friction between surfaces –for intance, you can see and hear blue sparks when taking out a sweater in the dark.

On the other hand, in modern civilization we are used to isolate ourselves from the ground, by plastic soles, making it not possible for the atmosphere charge to be canalized through us to the ground.

Connecting these statements, we might not only think about “how to”, but also about physics, cultural habits and human evolution.

]]> <![CDATA[Claude Rifat’s Concepts From “Conscious Dreaming And Controlled Hallucinations”]]> Fri, 16 Nov 2018 18:01:17 +0000 Konstantinos

Lucid Dreaming
By Konstantinos Fakinos

Here is a small paper with some terms I collected to a list about conscious dreaming from the work of Claude Rifat, “Conscious Dreaming And Controlled Hallucinations”.

Links to his work are at the bottom of the attached article.


“This article is written mostly for people who have the basic knowledge of what conscious dreaming is. This means they have some experiences of conscious dreaming, daydreaming, imaginative visualization, these and other relative concepts are considered known and understood.

To start with, I will list first some terms Claude Rifat used to describe phenomena related to dreams, conscious dreams and in general how our biological memory works. Below the list are parts from Claude’s article [in blue text – everything with black text is my comments] which explain the concepts in the list. The study he made is based on scientific research and with personal observations inside dreams. This is important because until then very few scientists of the mind were exploring consciousness from inside, from the perspective of the dreamer. The study had been written since 1976 until 1989.

When we imagine something or having a memory of something, what we do in neurological level is that we activate a specific memory zone in the brain, and what an expert conscious dreamer do, when he build a scenery for example, is that he have learned to activate and stabilize specific memory zones at will.

The intensity of how vivid is the memory of something, means how much is metabolically active that zone. In comparison of exogenous imagination and endogenus [in a conscious dream] we soon discover that in exogenus, in our natural everyday state, we can imagine only to a certain point and in dreams we can have much stronger visualization to the level of materialization with many senses involved. This is controlled by some regulator mechanisms I will explain below, the attenuator, DRP and SBEM which are responsible for the normal function of our consciousness.

Why we see irrational scenes in dreams or without continuous time sequence? This can be explained with MHV, and MCV “box” concepts along with the previous mechanisms the Attenuator and DRP. So when we are awake, consciously or unconsciously we activate some memory zones, some more and some less intense [with different emotional impression and different meaning each-one so they make different connections with different memory zones involved]. When they are activated they can remain active in the memory for some time [as we imprint in our memory the events some remain and some faint, so when we see a dream of something we would not expect we still remember that but for a reason had stayed in memory. Or we see things that are imprinted with our second unconscious attention]. Now, when we are sleeping the logical reasoning and other functions ceases [not completely and with variations in intensity] but the memory areas are still active and informational objects fall into the oneiric scene, somehow like a collection of unrelated events and objects interacting inside a portion of continuous time of an oneiric episode.

It is not so simple though, because maybe it can be with no logical explanation the sequence of images or the dream scenario, so to seem random but sometimes it follows some internal rules from the instincts or emotional centers, the drives or archetypes, to make some kind of coded symbolic message for our conscious self about a specific matter like a solution to a problem, like a different type of thought processor than everyday rational thinking. Even if usually consciousnes or reasoning are not active but other mechanisms could be driving the dream or are active to involve with the dream.

Claude Rifat was a biologist, his accomplishments include some early research into GHB (γ-Hydroxybutyric acid), including the thymoanaleptic/antidepressant and sociabilising effects of this molecule. So he is referring for examples about cannabinoid hallucinations, cholinergic, hallucinations by NMDA receptors, serotoninergic, and other molecules or about regular state of mind, dreaming state, schizophrenic state etc. I wanted not to write anything about substances but this is his research and I can not just put them out. After all, every serious researcher on the subject who has a real interest to learn has to consider them also which are part of nature.
One last thing I want to mention is that I have not make any official studies on these subjects, I just like to study these concepts in my free time because it happened to have conscious dreams spontaneously and with time I started to interest about the mechanisms of it and finally about the mechanisms that produce our consciousnees and our memory. If some of these are not right, if I have wrong ideas, at least I think this kind of concepts are very interesting and should be studied more. If I have understood Claude’s ideas wrongly please send me a message to know…” – Konstantinos Fakinos

LINK TO ENTIRE ARTICLE:  Claude Rifat’s Concepts From Conscious Dreaming And Controlled Hallucinations

Copyright 2018 Konstantinos Fakinos

]]> <![CDATA[A Study on Neurological Differences (Prefrontal Cortex) between Long Term Lucid Dreamers and Non-Lucid Dreamers]]> Tue, 01 May 2018 16:01:24 +0000 Brit

Lucid Dreaming

]]> <![CDATA[A Study On Lucid Dream Therapy Options To Treat Depression, Anxiety, Etc.]]> Tue, 01 May 2018 15:51:46 +0000 Brit

Lucid Dreaming

]]> <![CDATA[Brain Scan Studies Of People Who Have Been Able To Lucid Dream Since Early Childhood]]> Mon, 30 Apr 2018 06:46:39 +0000 Brit

Lucid Dreaming

]]> <![CDATA[A Study On Therapy Options For People Who Suffer From Too Many Unintended Lucid Dreams]]> Fri, 30 Mar 2018 22:02:48 +0000 Brit

Lucid Dreaming

]]> <![CDATA[Studies on the use of lucid dreams to improve emotional fitness/mental fitness/self improvement such as confidence, positive thinking, etc.]]> Fri, 30 Mar 2018 21:49:32 +0000 Brit

Lucid Dreaming.

]]> <![CDATA[Additional Studies On False Awakenings]]> Fri, 30 Mar 2018 21:46:19 +0000 Brit

“…Undoubtedly, FAs represent a fascinating, yet largely unexplored state of consciousness which deserves more attention by the dream research community…”

By Giorgio Buzzi – Neurological private practice, Ravenna, Italy – The paper was initially published in the International Journal of Dream Research – Vol 4, No 2 (October 2011) –…/viewFile/9085/pdf

Lucid Dreaming

]]> <![CDATA[A Study That Examines If Lucid Dreamers Have An Increased Ability To Read Or Write During Dreams]]> Fri, 30 Mar 2018 21:41:30 +0000 Brit

Are lucid dreamers’ Broca’s and Wernicke’s brain areas activated in different ways while they dream, compared to non-lucid dreamers, due to their ability to shut off/activate other brain areas that impact dreaming, awareness, etc.?

Lucid Dreaming

]]> <![CDATA[A Continued Study On Claude Rifat’s Work]]> Fri, 30 Mar 2018 21:34:45 +0000 Brit

Index of Articles – Claude Rifat

 “… MHVs are like tunnels linking MCV boxes!
MHVs are the shortcuts of memory. They directly link different oneiric scenes which we can represent by MCV “boxes”. An MCV box is a portion of continuous oneiric space-time. MCV boxes are visually represented as boxes which explain their naming! MCV boxes are continuously synthesised by the dreaming brain. They constitute the locus of endogenous reality where the oneiric consciousness travels. Any dream can be represented by a combination of radiating “stars” (MHVs) linked to different MCV boxes…” – Claude Rifat
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Lucid Dreaming

]]> <![CDATA[A Study On How The Calcification Of The Pineal Gland May Inhibit Lucid Dreaming]]> Fri, 30 Mar 2018 21:13:55 +0000 Brit

Lucid Dreaming

]]> <![CDATA[A Study That Examines How Existing Muscle Memory Affects Our Movements In Lucid Dreams]]> Fri, 30 Mar 2018 20:58:30 +0000 Brit

Lucid Dreaming

]]> <![CDATA[A Study On Why The Subconscious Mind In A Non-Lucid Dream Cannot Relate More Directly To What We Experience In The Waking Physical Reality And How This Relates To Lucid Dreams]]> Fri, 30 Mar 2018 11:27:09 +0000 Brit

Why does it not recall ‘exactly’ what it experienced, but instead creates a similar situation or symbol to ‘relive’ the real life experience? What parts of the brain are inhibited to work together during a non-lucid dream?

How does all that differ in a lucid dream?

Lucid Dreaming


]]> <![CDATA[A Study On How The Brain Creates Multiple ‘Selves’ (Characters That Are All ‘You,’ Interacting With Each Other) In A Lucid Dream]]> Fri, 30 Mar 2018 11:09:18 +0000 Brit

Lucid Dreaming

]]> <![CDATA[A Study On Self-Hypnosis During Lucid Dreaming]]> Fri, 30 Mar 2018 11:05:42 +0000 Brit

Lucid Dreaming
